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LETIANE, Gaitsewe Selina

Age 85

Was beaten with gun butts by members of the SAP in Khutsong, Carletonville, Transvaal, during a night vigil for her son in July 1986 during the state of emergency. She was struck several times on her back and knees when police broke up the meeting by kicking and breaking the coffin, scattering food and assaulting several people. Ms Letiane was reportedly chased away from the police station when she tried to lay a charge in connection with the attack.

... LESO, Johannes LESOETSA, Tladi Charles LESOTHO, Molefi Klaas LESOTHO, Spanki David LETEBELE, Mogomotsi LETHELA, Patience LETHLAKE, Titi Saltiel LETIANE, Gaitsewe Selina LETLABIKA, Moni Joseph LETLAPE, Blumi Chritina LETSABA, Andries Kholokoane LETSEBE, Noah LETSELE, Goerge Mampala LETSHETI, ...
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