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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter M

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MATIA, Don Molteno 55An ANC supporter who lost his home in an arson attack in July 1985 in East London.References
MATIBIDI, Phineas NkgafengWas stabbed to death and his body burnt in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 3 September 1984 during a rent boycott, because he was suspected of being a councillor. During the Vaal uprising councillors were targeted as puppets of the apartheid state.References
MATIDZA, Matiora William 81A Venda Independence People`s Party member who was arrested and severely beaten by named policemen in Maelula village, Sibasa, Venda, on 18 July 1984 during conflict between the Venda Independence Party and the Venda National Party.References
MATIKINCA, Buzelwa Eunice 42An ANC supporter who was trampled on by a crowd running away from shots fired by members of the CDF in Bisho, Ciskei, on 7 September 1992 during an ANC protest march to demand free political activity in Ciskei. Thirty people were killed and two hundred people injured in the event which became known as the Bisho massacre. Two members of the former CDF were refused amnesty for the shooting (AC/2000/122).References
MATIKINCA, Nomalungelo Lucy 39Was continually harassed and detained by members of the Ciskei Police and SAP in Mdantsane, Ciskei, in 1980. She was questioned about her husband, an ANC/MK operative, who went into exile, but was later killed in a shoot-out with the police on 31 July 1985.References
MATIKINCA, Patrick Dumile 16A councillor`s son who was stabbed and burnt to death by `necklacing` by named perpetrators in Fort Beaufort, Cape, on 24 December 1986 during conflict between UDF supporters and residents who supported the councillors.References
MATIKINCA, Siputsu CameronAn ANC supporter who was shot dead by members of the CDF in Bisho, Ciskei, on 7 September 1992 during an ANC protest march to demand free political activity in Ciskei. Thirty people were killed and two hundred people injured in what became known as the Bisho massacre. Two members of the former CDF were refused amnesty for the shooting (AC/2000/122).References
MATIMA, Ntshiuoa Agnes 25Was held at gunpoint while SAP members assaulted her husband in Thabong, Welkom, Orange Free State (OFS), on 24 October 1992. Her husband, a member of the Thabong Civic Association, died of his injuries. The assault took place at a time of heightened political tension and boycotts in the area.References
MATIMA, Solomon Mabusane 32A member of the Thabong Civic Association who was severely beaten by named and other SAP members at Thabong, Welkom, Orange Free State (OFS), on 24 October 1992, at a time of heightened political tension and boycotts in the area. He died of his injuries.References
MATIMA, Tefo Johannes 15Was shot dead by a named SAP member in Masilo, Theunissen, Orange Free State (OFS), on 19 May 1990. At the time, `comrades` were allegedly burning houses belonging to `anti-comrades` and police members. Tefo was found at his home and shot dead while hiding under a bedReferences
MATISO, Mbuyiseli Michael 27Was shot by members of the SAP in Uitenhage, Cape during the 1986 consumer boycott.References
MATISO, MelvinA policeman who was shot and injured when MK operatives robbed the Frankfurt police station, Ciskei, of its firearms in August 1992. One MK operative was granted amnesty (AC/1999/354).References
MATISO, PisiAn ANCYL supporter who was shot dead by named members of the SAP during political conflict in Hofmeyr, Cape, on 28 July 1985.References
MATISO, Sithembele 20A student activist who was killed when a rubber bullet fired by a named member of the SAP hit his head in Guguletu, Cape Town, on 29 July 1985, during street protests following the discovery of the bodies of the Cradock Four in the Eastern Cape.References
MATITI, Zandisile 20An ANC supporter who was shot dead by members of the Ciskei Police in Sada, Ciskei, on 11 September 1985, while on his way to visit his sister during the unrest in Whittlesea.References
MATIWANA, Hombakazi 17Was shot dead by a named SAP member who opened fire on mourners in Joza, Grahamstown, Cape, on 12 May 1985.References
MATIWANA, Nontombi Beauty Siphokazi 21Was detained on 18 March 1985 in Pearston, Cape. She was convicted of public violence and other charges and sentenced to eight years` imprisonment (three suspended) at Vereeniging prison, where she was repeatedly assaulted by named members of the SAP.References
MATIWANA, Siphiwe Headman 20Was shot dead on 14 April 1988 when a named SAP member opened fire on a mass funeral for unrest victims in Zwide cemetery, Port Elizabeth.References
MATIWANE, (first names not given)Was severely beaten with rifle-butts, sjamboks and knobkerries in Crossroads, Cape Town, in 1986, by supporters of a local community leader, Mr Ngxobongwana. The assault was due to his opposition to a rent system imposed on the Crossroads community by Mr Ngxobongwana.References
MATIWANE, David Ndumiso 21He left Sobantu, near Pietermaritzburg, in April 1968 to join MK, and was never seen or heard of again. He is believed to have died in exile in 1988.References
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