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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter M

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MOLOTO, DavidWas injured in June 1986 when a covert unit of the Northern Transvaal Security Branch used rocket launchers, an explosive device and machine-guns to attack a petrol station at Tweefontein, Kwandabele. The owner of the garage allegedly gave assistance to MK operatives. Two members of an SAP Special Investigation Unit and three Northern Transvaal Security Branch operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/105 and AC/2001/27).References
MOLOTO, Kitimi Johannes 54He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 at GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Moloto resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MOLOTO, Nganyago EliasHe had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Moloto resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MOLOTO, Peter Reginald 17An ANC supporter who was severely beaten by Municipal Police in 1986 in Bela-Bela, Warmbaths, Tvl, during political unrest in the area.References
MOLOTO, Raisetja 42She had her home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because she resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MOLOTO, Ramokone Mokgadi 49She lost her home when it was burnt down on 2 February 1980 at GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because she resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MOLOTSANE, Jostinas OupaWas severely injured when AWB members detonated a car bomb in Bree Street, Johannesburg, on 24 April 1994, in an effort to disrupt the electoral process. Seven people were killed and 13 injured in the blast. Two perpetrators were granted amnesty (AC/1999/0342). See right-wing attacks.References
MOLOTSI, Esther 11Was shot dead by members of the SAP on 13 September 1985 in Pimville, Soweto, Johannesburg, when they opened fire on a group of youths stoning a delivery vehicle.References
MOLOTSI, Frederick Sefike 41Was severely beaten by IFP supporters in July 1991 in Alexandra, Johannes-burg, for his involvement in civic structures. Alexandra was tense following clashes between IFP- aligned hostel-dwellers and ANC-supporting township residents.References
MOLOTSI, Irish Pule 37Was shot and severely injured by members of the SAP in Sebokeng, Tvl, on 20 June 1993. Police thought Mr Pule was linked to APLA.References
MOLOTSI, Limakatso Anna 37Was shot by members of the SAP during the Sharpeville massacre in Sharpeville, Vereeniging, Tvl, on 21 March 1960. Police opened fire on an unarmed crowd people holding a peaceful protest against the Pass Laws, killing 69 people and injuring several others.References
MOLOTSI, Lira JosephWas injured and suffered damage to property during the Boipatong massacre by IFP supporters in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Tvl, on 17 June 1992, which left 45 people dead and 27 seriously injured. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty, a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209).References
MOLOTSI, Ramasoeu Saul 28An ANC supporter who had his home and car damaged in a petrol bomb attack on 24 April 1992 in Sebokeng, Tvl, during intense conflict in the Vaal Triangle between IFP and ANC supporters. Mr Molotsi was targeted because his wife was suspected of being an IFP supporter.References
MOLOTSI, Tiny Christinah 17Was shot by a member of the IFP in Taung, Bophuthatswana, in September 1991. Ms Molotsi was one of the residents patrolling the streets to protect their community against expected attacks by IFP supporters.References
MOLOWITZ, Jan 39Was shot and left permanently disabled by a named Special Constable at Kwa-Mandlenkosi, Beaufort West, Cape, on 11 July 1987.References
MOLULI, MarekeniWas assaulted and dowsed with petrol on 30 September 1986 at a community meeting in the veld at Daantjie Trust, near Nelspruit, Tvl, because he was suspected of being an informer. One of the perpetrators was named by another victim who died later of injuries after being attacked and set alight.References
MOLUNGWANA, (first names not given)A civilian who was traumatised when the vehicle in which she was a passenger was hijacked at gunpoint by APLA operatives in Herschel, near Lady Grey, OFS, on 19 November 1992. See APLA attacks. Two APLA members were granted amnesty (AC/2001/134).References
MOLUSI, KagishoWas injured in a hand grenade explosion on 25 May 1993 in Kimberley, Cape, during an ANC protest march to the Bophuthatswana consulate. Two MK operatives threw a hand grenade at the building which bounced back into the crowd, killing one person and injuring 41 others. Two ANC members were wrongly convicted of the killing. Four MK operatives and ANC members, two of whom denied guilt, were refused amnesty (AC/2000/053 and AC/2000/241).References
MOLUTSI, Selolo Suzan 49A member of the ANCWL who was detained and tortured in Klerksdorp, Tvl, on 12 February 1991.References
MOMOZA, Michael SteemA member of Poqo who was sentenced to one year`s imprisonment in 1962 in Mqanduli, Transkei, for his Poqo activities.References
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