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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter M

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MONA, Erick Sihudu 24An ANC supporter who was tortured by members of the SADF over five days at a military base in Hazyview, Tvl, during July 1986. He was subjected to electric shock torture to his genitals, suffocated, chained to a tree and deprived of food and water. A nationwide state of emergency had been declared on 12 June 1986 which gave carte blanche to the security forces to detain anyone they suspected of undermining state security.References
MONA, Nolungile Belly 46An ANC member who was severely beaten by a named member of the Transkei Police in 1990 at her home in Bebeza Village, near Sterkspruit, Transkei, during a campaign against chiefs.References
MONAHENG, Bellina Mantoa 15An ANC supporter who was stabbed and injured by a named perpetrator during a protest march in Pontseng, Matatiele, Natal, on 7 February 1990. She was arrested and taken to Maluti police station where she was assaulted by members of the SAP.References
MONAHENG, Christina Makresmesi 35An ANC supporter who was severely beaten by members of the Transkei Defence Force in Pontseng, Matatiele, Natal, on 7 February 1990. Security Forces were allegedly assaulting and arresting anyone they suspected of having taken part in a protest march earlier that day.References
MONAISA, Josiah Rakwena 50Was shot dead by IFP supporters on 14 March 1992 in Meadowlands, Soweto, Johannesburg, during conflict between IFP-aligned hostel-dwellers and ANC-aligned residents. Two attackers stopped the taxi in which Mr Monaisa was travelling, boarded it and shot the driver dead. They then drove to Mzimhlophe hostel where they shot Mr Monaisa. The taxi was later recovered by the police.References
MONAKALE, Stephen Lesala 54A SANCO supporter who was detained without a charge on 12 June 1986 during protests in East London. He was released in April 1987.References
MONAKALI, Mxolisi Anthony 15Was shot by named members of the Ciskei Police during protests in Mdantsane, Ciskei, on 1 January 1981.References
MONAKALI, Ntsikelelo 28A UDF supporter who was sjambokked and kicked by members of the Ciskei Police in 1983 at Mdantsane, Ciskei. He was taken to NU1 police station in Mdantsane where he was beaten on the forehead with a pistol. The assault occurred after the Mdantsane bus boycott.References
MONAKEDI, Frans Makgale 53A NUMSA leader who was shot dead in a storeroom at KwaMasiza hostel, Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, on 5 June 1992.References
MONAMA, Samuel Semana 29Was detained at the local police station and severely sjambokked in Moutse, KwaNdebele, on 1 January 1986 by members of the SAP and Imbokodo vigilantes during resistance to incorporation into KwaNdebele.References
MONAMBII, ObedWas killed in Empangeni, Natal, on 11 April 1992 during ongoing conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area.References
MONAMETSI, FascoWas severely beaten by members of the Bophuthatswana Police in Zeerust, Transvaal, on 28 March 1989.References
MONAMODI, Buki France (aka `Simon Mabunu`)An MK member from Johannesburg who was executed on the order of an ANC military tribunal on an unknown date in Angola. Mr Monamodi was 36 years old when he left South Africa in 1976.References
MONAMODI, Lina 29Was shot and seriously injured in Soweto, Johannesburg, during the 1976 Soweto uprising. Ms Monamodi is blind as a result of her injuries.References
MONAMODI, SakkieHe suffered damage to his property when MK operatives threw a hand grenade into the dining room of his house in Soweto, Johannesburg, in 1988. The perpetrators believed Mr Monamodi was a state collaborator. No one was injured in the blast. Three MK operatives were granted amnesty for the attack (AC/2000/0013).References
MONANI, ZachariaWas injured when AWB members detonated an explosive at the taxi rank in Westonaria, Tvl, on 25 April 1994, in an effort to disrupt the electoral process. Five people were killed in the blast. Six AWB members were granted amnesty (AC/1999/0342). See right-wing attacks.References
MONARENG, Alfred Oupa 21Was thrown from a moving van, detained and tortured by members of the SAP and SADF in Katlehong, Tvl, in June 1986. From mid-1985 East Rand townships including Katlehong experienced some of the most violent conflict in the PWV.References
MONARENG, Mantshepiseng Sefora 46A Dikwankwetla National Party (DNP) supporter who had her house burnt down by ANC supporters in Witsieshoek, QwaQwa, on 3 June 1994. DNP members were frequently attacked in this period, allegedly because of the party`s support for the QwaQwa homeland administration.References
MONARENG, MarthaShe suffered severe ill-treatment and damage to property during the Boipatong massacre by IFP supporters in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Tvl, on 17 June 1992, which left 45 people dead and 27 seriously injured. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty, a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209).References
MONARENG, Mpho MokoniWas shot dead by members of the SAP in December 1986 in Kwarrielaagte, near Dennilton, KwaNdebele, during conflict over incorporation into KwaNdebele. Vigilantes and homeland officials fled the area in July 1986 because of fierce resistance and South African security forces moved into KwaNdebele.References
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