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MADONDO, Johannes

Age 46

Was stabbed to death by named Inkatha supporters on 3 December 1988 at Trust Feeds, New Hanover, near Pietermaritzburg. The perpetrators accused him of supplying guns to UDF supporters.

... Velaphi Daniel MADOLO, Augustin MADOLO, Nontana MADOLO, Pasika MADONDA, Crescentia Zamisile MADONDA, Nomthandazo Mirriam MADONDA, Thombile Gretha MADONDO, Antony Ndabingehlele MADONDO, Dlangamandla Dumisani MADONDO, Gibson Petros MADONDO, Gobo William MADONDO, Johannes MADONDO, Lindela Phillip ...
... operatives targeted for assassination during the period 1976–82 was ‘MK Scorpion’, killed in Northern Natal in 1980. The Case of Oupa Ronald Madondo, aka MK Scorpion The Commission received information about the death in April 1980 of a Soweto-based MK operative, believed to be Mr Oupa ...
Tw o, Chapter Th r e e, p p. 2 0 8 - – 1 1 . 22 These include two unknown PAC detainees [AC / 2 0 0 1 / 1 9 4 ] ; MK Scorpion (possibly Mr Ronald Madondo – AC / 2 0 0 0 / 1 5 1 ) ; Mr Gcinisizwe Kondile [AC / 1 9 9 9 / 0 3 7 ] , Mr Johannes Mabotha [AC/2000/084] and an unknown detainee [AC / ...
... MABENA, Justice [JB01982/01GTSOW] MADEBE, Thumani Joseph [CT00142/KIM] MADISHA, Elias [JB02899/02NPPTB] MADLEBE, Xoliswa [CTO1028/SOU] MADONDO, Antony Ndabingehele [KZN/NNN/181/PM] MADONSELA, Joseph Memo [JB00958/01MPNEL] MADUNA, Khathazile Wilson [EC2833/97UIT] MAEGE, Sipho ...
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