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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MAN-MAQ

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MANQELE, VelileWas shot and severely injured by members of the KwaZulu Police (KZP) in Eshowe, Natal, on 4 May 1991, when the car in which she was travelling was ambushed as she was returning from visiting relatives whose house had been burnt down by IFP supporters and members of the KZP. Another passenger was also injured in the attack, and the driver of the car was killed.References
MANQINA, Shumi 50Was assaulted on 18 October 1985 at Aloevale, near Queenstown, Cape, during conflict between communities in the area.References
MANQINDI, Sikhumbuzo 26died after he was `necklaced` by UDF supporters and Hofmeyr Youth Congress members in November 1985 at Hofmeyr, Cape. The perpetrators accused Mr Manqindi of being a collaborator.References
MANS, Michael NicholasWas injured when members of MK`s Special Operations Unit detonated an explosive in a car outside the SADF Witwatersrand Command headquarters in Johannesburg on 30 July 1987. At least 68 people were injured. Three MK operatives and one UDF supporter linked to MK were granted amnesty for their roles in this attack (AC/2001/0003 and AC/2000/248).References
MANTENGU, BhekiWas abducted from KwaSithebe, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, on 9 April 1990, allegedly by members of the KwaZulu Police who forced him into a police van because he was participating in a stayaway organised by COSATU. He has not been seen since.References
MANTEWU, No-once Maggie 52She lost her home in an arson attack during protests in Cookhouse, Cape, in August 1986.References
MANTILE, Jane Msuthukazi 33Was shot dead by a named members of the Municipal Police during political conflict in Grahamstown, Cape, on 2 February 1987. Four other people died in the incident.References
MANTILE, Johnson Phikile 40Was shot dead by a named Special Constable on 2 February 1987 in Grahamstown, Cape.References
MANTLANE, Sisa James 56Was detained and severely beaten by named Amasolomzi vigilantes and members of the SAP, in Ashton, Cape, on 24 May 1986, following a funeral and house-to-house search by police. About 108 people were arrested and 22 injured, eight of them seriously. Mr Mantlane was released after three months` detention under emergency regulations. See police brutality.References
MANTSUNYANE, MetaboA member of the Dikwankwetla party in QwaQwa was branded an informer and suffered three arson attacks on her home.References
MANTUTLE, Imameleng Lorraine 21Was shot by members of the SADF at Dukathole, Aliwal North, Cape, on 21 August 1985. See Aliwal North shootings.References
MANTYI, Albert Zithulele Style 27An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by a member of the SAP in Venterstad, Cape, on 4 July 1993. Mr Mantyi was on his way home from a church service at Nozizwe location when he was fired at from a police vehicle.References
MANTYI, AlfredWas shot and killed by ANC/FAWU members during a period of conflict between ANC and IFP-supporting workers at the Langeberg Food factory, in Boksburg, Transvaal, in September 1991. One ANC member was granted amnesty for the killing (AC/1998/0080).References
MANTYI, BooiWas shot dead by members of the SAP on 16 June 1985 in De Aar, Cape, for allegedly throwing stones at the police. About seventy one people, mostly youth, were arrested by the police after a demonstration in front of the local shopping centre.References
MANTYI, Pawulosi 23Was shot dead by members of the CDF in Bisho, Ciskei, on 7 September 1992 during an ANC protest march to demand free political activity in Ciskei. Thirty people were killed and 200 people injured in the event which became known as the Bisho massacre. Two members of the former CDF were refused amnesty for the shooting (AC/2000/122).References
MANTYI, Sikhulu 33An ANC supporter who was severely beaten during interrogation by members of the SAP in detention in Witbank, Transvaal, in April 1969. He was later transferred to Pretoria prison and kept in solitary confinement.References
MANUEL, Mosesa private security guard, was shot and killed during a cash-in-transit robbery by APLA operatives at Cleveland, Johannesburg, on 20 September 1991. See APLA attacks. Three APLA members were granted amnesty (AC/1999/0244).References
MANUEL, Shaun Norman 14Was shot and severely beaten by members of the SAP in Manenberg, Cape Town, on 29 August 1985, in the aftermath of the Pollsmoor march to demand the release of Nelson Mandela.References
MANYAKA, Jan MakgaleWas abducted from his home in Kgobokwane, KwaNdebele, by Imbokodo vigilantes and assaulted on 1 January 1986 during conflict over incorporation into KwaNdebele. References
MANYAKA, Monnana Abram 43Was severely beaten with knobkerries and sjamboks , allegedly by KwaNdebele Police, soldiers and Imbokodo members, in Moutse, KwaNdebele, on 1 January 1986. He was arrested for allegedly abducting residents supporting incorporation into KwaNdebele. The case was dropped and he received an out-of-court settlement.References
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