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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MAN-MAQ

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MANENTSA, Siphiwo Harry 27Was shot and injured by members of the SAP in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, on 13 September 1991, during a period of conflict between rival taxi associations that had a political dimension. Numerous allegations were made regarding SAP support for one of the associations. See taxi violence.References
MANGA, SiphiwoWas shot dead by named members of the SAP on 23 July 1985 at Phakamisa High School in Zwide, Port Elizabeth. Scholars were involved in a student protest when police randomly shot at students, killing two and injuring six others, including teachers. The perpetrators were found guilty of murder and attempted murder and were sentenced to ten years` imprisonment but did not serve their sentence.References
MANGALE, Talitha Kebawetse 26Was burnt to death by members of the `Gadaffi` faction in Khutsong, Carletonville, Transvaal, in 1991 after the ANC in the area split into two rival groups, the `Gadaffis` and the `Zim-zims`. Conflict between them left at least 20 people dead in the area. See also Khutsong Youth Congress.References
MANGALI, Elliot Petse 31Was shot and injured during the attacks by Witdoeke vigilantes and members of the SAP in Crossroads, Cape Town, during 1986. He was again shot and injured in 1993 during conflict in Crossroads.References
MANGALI, Nicholas Xolani 19A COSAS member who was severely beaten in detention by members of the SAP in Adelaide, Cape, on 12 April 1985 during political conflict in which a policeman`s house was burnt down.References
MANGANE, Thomas 31An ANC supporter who was shot dead by an MK operative at his home in Mbuzini, Komatipoort, Transvaal, on 10 January 1990, because he was believed to be an informer. The MK operative was granted amnesty (AC/1999/0255).References
MANGANYE, RobsonWas injured when MK operatives detonated an explosive in a car outside the South African Air Force (SAAF) headquarters in Church Street, Pretoria, on 20 May 1983. Twenty-one people were killed and 217 injured. The overall commander of MK`s Special Operations Unit and two MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/003 and AC/2001/023). See Church Street bombing, Pretoria.References
MANGANYI, Joshua Ntsako Mandela 21An ANCYL member who was assaulted and severely tortured by members of the SAP in Tzaneen, Transvaal, on 20 June 1990.References
MANGANYI, LuckyWas shot in Tembisa, Transvaal, on 14 August 1992.References
MANGAYI, Stephen 20A COSAS member who was shot dead by members of the SAP in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 3 September 1984 when police opened fire on a student-led rent protest.References
MANGAYI, StevenWas shot dead in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 4 September 1984 by members of the SAP avenging an injured colleague during the Vaal uprising. At the inquest, the family were told their son was killed by `mistake`. References
MANGAZI, Bonakalisiwe Maggie 43had her homestead in Ntuze, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, burnt down on 2 September 1993 in continuing conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area.References
MANGAZI, MandlakheA member of the ANCYL who was stabbed to death by IFP supporters in Ebuhleni, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, on 15 April 1994 during the run-up to the April 1994 elections.References
MANGCANGAZA, Lungile 44a member of the Alexandria Residents` Association, was arrested under emergency regulations on 14 June 1986 at Alexandria, Cape. Mr Mangcangaza was detained on various occasions between June 1986 and November 1988, and at different locations in and around Port Elizabeth.References
MANGCATSHA, MeltonWas severely beaten, by members of the SADF, on 27 July 1991 in Alexandra, Johannesburg, during conflict between IFP and ANC supporters.References
MANGCOLA, Vuyisile John 24A UDF supporter who was severely beaten on his arrest in Zolani, Ashton, Cape, on 20 November 1985, by named vigilantes and SAP members. Mr Mangcola was one of more than 100 Zolani residents arrested and accused of burning the homes of Amasolomzi vigilantes. Thirty-two were finally sentenced to prison terms. He was detained awaiting trial for ten months and served a prison sentence until 1991.References
MANGCWAGULE, Svelinkomo 39had his house burnt down by IFP supporters during political conflict between the `Red` and `Green` factions in Bhambayi, near KwaMashu, Durban, in 1993.References
MANGE, Barbara Priscilla 33Was shot in the neck by members of the SADF in a random shooting while visiting Soweto, Johannesburg, on 10 November 1985 during intense conflict in the area.References
MANGE, Siboniwe CyprianAn ANC supporter who was abducted and killed by named members of the IFP-aligned Toaster gang in Tembisa, Transvaal, on 14 February 1993. Mr Mange was abducted with his girlfriend who was forced to witness his killing before being raped.References
MANGELE, Musa Oswald 37An ANC supporter who had his home burnt down by a member of the KwaZulu Police at Esikhawini, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, on 8 May 1992, during ongoing political conflict in the area.References
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