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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MAR-MAS

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MASETI, Zixolisile Mathews 18A UDF supporter who was shot and injured by members of the SAP in Langa, Uitenhage, Cape, on 21 March 1985 when police opened fire on mourners marching to a funeral. At least 20 people were killed and many injured in the shooting. See Langa shootings.References
MASHA, Mahuhu DorcasSuffered severe ill-treatment and damage to property on 17 June 1992 in the Boipatong massacre in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, which left forty five people dead and twenty seven seriously injured. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty; a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209).References
MASHA, Patrick Luneng 18A UDF supporter who was detained without trial at Burgersfort police station, Transvaal, in 1985 because he was a key organiser of school protests. Mr Masha was subjected to various forms of torture during this and subsequent detentions.References
MASHABA, Alec 20Was abducted from his home in Tembisa, Transvaal, on 13 July 1986, and burnt to death by a group of around 40 members of the UDF-supporting Tembisa Youth Congress. One perpetrator was granted amnesty for his role in the incident (AC/2000/211).References
MASHABA, Esme 9Was shot and killed by members of the SAP at a taxi rank in Komatipoort, Transvaal, on 1 May 1986.References
MASHABA, Njabulo Cyril 16An IFP supporter who was shot and severely injured by ANC supporters in Empangeni, Natal, on 3 March 1994, during the run-up to the April 1994 elections. References
MASHABA, Nonhlanhla Pinkie 35She had her home in Bhambayi, near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down in February 1993 in intense political conflict between the `Red` and `Green` factions. References
MASHABA, Skhumbuzo Elvis 16Was shot and severely injured by members of the SAP in Matsulu, KaNgwane, on 2 June 1986 during political conflict in the area.References
MASHABA, Solani Princess 21An UDF supporter who was killed when a hand grenade was thrown by members of the SADF Recce 5 Battalion in Lulekani, Gazankulu, on 28 March 1986 during conflict between the Lulekani Youth Congress and SADF members. The hand grenade was thrown into a shebeen where the youth were strategising about the removal of mercenaries from the township. See Gazankulu hand grenade attack.References
MASHABA, Sweet JohannesAn ANC supporter who disappeared after his abduction by members of the SAP on 5 July 1991 in Komatipoort, Transvaal. He was accused of possessing illegal firearms.References
MASHABA, Wilson Fanyane 23An MK operative who was subjected to electric shock torture by members of the SAP and the Bophuthatswana Police in 1980 in Bophuthatswana, after his arrest in Botswana.References
MASHABANE, Jarman GemAn ANCYL leader who was shot dead in the dining room of his house in Hazyview, Transvaal, on 30 November 1991 during political conflict in the area.References
MASHABANE, Solomon NgungunyaneA member of COSAS who was killed when a booby-trapped hand-grenade exploded in his hands on 25/26 June 1985. Fifteen Security Branch operatives, including the head of the Security Branch and other senior personnel, were granted amnesty for the operation (AC/2001/058). See Operation Zero Zero.References
MASHABATAGA, ThomasWas detained by members of the Venda Police at Vleifontein, Transvaal, on 16 May 1986 during conflict about the incorporation of Vleifontein into Venda.References
MASHABELA, Annah Mokgadi 19Was beaten by named members of the Lebowa Police at Pietersburg, Transvaal, on 2 January 1987 after she was accused with others of killing their indunas.References
MASHABELA, Hendrick Ramphelare 20Was tortured in Driekop, Orange Free State (OFS), in 1961, during a clampdown on opposition to State-imposed tribal authorities in Sekhukhuneland. Mr Mashabela was released when he promised to turn his father in to the police. He immediately fled the area, returning only months later when he was informed that his father had been detained. His father was never seen again.References
MASHABELA, Lenga AlpheusA member of the SAP who was shot and injured when his SAP tracking unit ambushed an MK unit of seven members, in Ellisras, Transvaal, on 8 August 1988. One SAP member was killed and three others were injured in the confrontation. An MK operative was also killed. One MK operative was granted amnesty for this incident (AC/2000/081).References
MASHABELA, Marule Klaas 62She had her home damaged in an arson attack by named perpetrators in Sekhukhuneland, Lebowa, on 25 January 1986 during a land dispute between two chiefs in the area.References
MASHABELA, Mogorosi 47Was severely beaten by a named perpetrator at Rustenburg, Transvaal, on 10 December 1978. Mr Mashabela was called to a chief`s house where he was assaulted by a security guard under orders of the chief.References
MASHABELA, Petros Patrick 22A member of the Vaal Triangle Student Movement (VTSM) who was harassed by members of the SAP in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 1 August 1977. The VTSM visited schools to teach students about politics. Due to harassment Mr Mashabela was forced to flee his home.References
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