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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MAR-MAS

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MASHABELA, Sethaba Johannes 38Was abducted from his home in Moteti, KwaNdebele, by Imbokodo vigilantes on 1 January 1986. He was assaulted at Siyabuswa community hall with hundreds of others in attacks led by named KwaNdebele government officials, designed to suppress resistance to incorporation into KwaNdebele.References
MASHAKANE, Piletji Wellington 44He had his house burnt down on 2 February 1980 at GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashakane resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHALA, David Mokou 57He had his home burnt down and livestock stolen in February 1980 in Gamatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashala resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHALA, Johanna Chuene 28She had her home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because she resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHALA, Manare Seemole 56She had her home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because she resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHALA, Maphuti KwenaHe had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashala resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHALA, Ngoako Frans 79He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashala resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHALA, Ngwako Vincent 43He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashala resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHALA, Powishi Moses 45He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashala resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHALANE, DavidAn ANC supporter who was beaten to death in GaMatlala, Lebowa, on 4 February 1980 by followers of Chief BK Matlala in an attack on residents opposing his rule.References
MASHALANE, Maphuti Phineas 52He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashalane resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHALANE, Mokgadi Johannes 60He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashalane resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHALANE, Obed Tlou 61He had his house burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, during a dispute over the chieftaincy in the area. He was also assaulted with knobkerries and sjamboks.References
MASHAMAITE, BushmanWas arrested and detained in Winterveld, Transvaal, in 1990.References
MASHAMAITE, Freddy Makwena 46A member of the SAP who was shot and killed and robbed of his firearm by APLA members in Katlehong, Transvaal, on 21 January 1993. One APLA member was granted amnesty (AC/1998/0051). See APLA attacks. References
MASHAMAITE, Maphuti Stephen 43He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashamaite resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHAMAITE, Nare Elliot 18He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashamaite resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHAMAITE, Phuti Andries 37He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashamaite resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHAMAITE, Phuti Martinos 46He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by alleged supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashamaite resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MASHAMAITE, Pitsi David 17He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 at GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mashamaite resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
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