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MARCH, Joseph


Was shot dead in his own front yard in Alexandra, Johannesburg, in June 1993 during conflict between IFP and ANC supporters.

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Dikeledi Johannes MARAKALALA, Josephine Mokgadi MARAKE, Paki George MARAMBA, Zukiswa MARANANA MARANXA, Pumla MARAWU, Howard MARAWU, Mziwabantu Jafta MARCH, Joseph MARCH, Phillip MARCUS, Lulamile Madala MARE, Linus MAREMAMA, Kwena Alber MAREMAME, Makwena Rosina MAREMANE, Celia Kgabo MAREMANE, ...
... Mzwandile THABETHE, Natham THABETHE, Ngune THABETHE, S'Buso THABETHE, Sthembile THABETHE, Thabisile THABETHE, Vusi Dick THABETHE, Zikhono THAFENI, March THAFENI, Zwelinzima Joseph THAGE, Joseph Masale THAHETSI, Moeketsi Walter THAISI, Matamo William THAISI, Moramang David THAISI, Tello Maria ...
... a commuter bus riddled with bullets and blasted with a hand grenade and a crowded railway station shot up by gunmen. 622 In May 1993, an ANC march past a Thokoza hostel catapulted the East Rand into turmoil. In the wake of the march, eighty-one people were killed and ninety-nine injured in ...
... attended by thousands of mourners, was marked by uproar as police failed to stick to undertakings not to interfere in the event. Major Dolf Odendal marched into the funeral procession and attempted to seize the ANC flag off Kriel’s coffin. With such incidents sustaining the political tension, ...
... on 9 December 1976, along with Mr Johnson Vusumuzi and Mr Ivan Nyathi. He was subsequently moved to Pietermaritzburg prison, where he died on 26 March 1977. On 12 July 1977, an inquest magistrate found that Khoza had committed suicide by hanging. Advocate Harry Pitman, appearing for the ...
... Khethani Shange from KwaMashu. 242 Calls for the disbanding of the KZP gained momentum during 1990, with a national stay away and countrywide marches. In March 1990, 15 000 residents of KwaMakhutha protested against the presence of the KZP and handed over a memorandum of grievances against ...
... received statements from victims of what came to be known as the Alexandra Night Vigil Massacre50, which took place early on the morning of 26 March 1991. At about 04h00, gunmen attacked an all-night vigil for political violence victim, Ms Jane Ramakgola (41), killing fifteen people and ...
by the group they had orders to shoot them. Ngona managed to escaped but Radebe was killed and Maqekeza left for dead on the side of the road. On 15 March 1988, Maqekeza, recovering from his wounds, was shot and killed in his hospital bed. The shooting occurred shortly after his bed had been ...
... for all Africans in the western Cape; the completion of the New Crossroads development; and the upgrading of Old Crossroads. 1985 Pollsmoor march and aftermath 111 Prior to July, urban Cape Town had a relatively low level of public resistance activities, but the Eastern Cape murders of ...
... were also kept awake for long hours and deprived of sleep. 149 A United Nations document gives the following account: On the morning of 29 March, Cleopas Ndhlovu was blindfolded and led through the forest to a house or hut. A rope was attached to his neck while he remained blindfolded. ...
... and Mr Tshamano Edson Tshibalo [AM3277/96] killed nine people and burnt eleven properties at Folovhodwe and Muswodi Dipeni areas, Venda, on 10 March 1990. The two were part of a large crowd that went from house to house. They even targeted Tshibalo’s own father’s house. Their ...
... forced removal of residents to KwaNdebele. In the wake of these deaths there were further attacks on police and councillors’ homes. Armed youths marched in the streets, saying they wanted to root out all police and informers. Twenty youths were arrested. A march was organised to demand their ...
the first sentence ‘7 April and 13 October 1988’ should read ‘7 April and 13 October 1987’. Page 122 Paragraph 321: The first sentence ‘In March/April 1989…’ should read ‘On 11 December 1988…’ Page 122 Paragraph 322: Replace the first sentence with ‘The house was blown up in ...
... Deputy Minister of Law and Order, Mr Leon Wessels, when he spoke of the lack of a spirit of enquiry in the National Party at that time. 457 On 28 March 1988, SADF Special Forces attacked a house at Phiring, near Gaborone, Botswana. Four people were killed in the raid. The primary target of the ...
... 178 Mr Joseph Mdluli [KZN/KM/999/DN], one of the accused in the case against Harry Gwala and nine others, died in detention in Durban on 19 March 1976. The official explanation for his death was “injury to neck after falling against a chair”. While Judge Howard rejected allegations of ...
... involved in the development of the trade union movement and had been involved in establishing the university-based Wages Commission in 1972. In March 1972, Turner’s home had been firebombed. In 1973, Turner was banned along with seven NUSAS members and placed under surveillance by the BOSS. ...
... statements taken from Nduli and Ndlovu13 in exile by the United Nations, in which they alleged that they were abducted from Swaziland on 25 March 1976 by Durban Security Branch members and taken to Island Rock, Sodwana Bay, for questioning. They were both allegedly tortured. Nduli ...
... MAPHOTO, Hendrick Malasela [JB05227/01GTSOW] MAPO N YA, Andrew [JB03947/02PS] MAPUMULO, Reginald Sabelo aka Mayisela [JB01309/01GTSOW] MARCH, David [JB01863/01GTTEM] MASANGO, Oupa Petrus [JB02774/01MPMOU] MASHABA, Fanyana Petrus [JB01497/01MPNEL] MASHABELA, Jan Mantsho ...
... president Chief Lennox Sebe’s rule, which resulted in initial popular support for Brigadier Oupa Gqozo, who overthrew Sebe’s government in March 1990. 131 A press report from 1989 commenting on the battles by various communities to escape Ciskei rule said: It's not hard to find the ...
injured. Ms Helen Kearney, a barmaid at the hotel, was one of those injured in the attack and testified at the hearings. 25 Those who died were Ms Marchelle Cheryl Gerrard (Oosthuizen) [KZN/GW/001/DN] and Ms Angelique Pattenden [KZN/NKS/010/DN]. The injured were Mr Michael Todd [KZN/NKS/001/DN], ...
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