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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter ME-MJ

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MIYA, Mamthembu Pumzile 38Was detained by members of the SAP on several occasions in 1962 in Bizana, Transkei, during the Pondoland revolt. Her husband was shot dead by the police during the revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
MIYA, Mbhekiswana Ephraim 59Was shot and killed by IFP supporters in Carisbrook, Ixopo, Natal, on 2 April 1992, allegedly for refusing to join the IFP. His son was also killed in the attack. References
MIYA, MbusisoAn ANC supporter who was detained in January 1977 along with four other ANC supporters, and taken to Fisher Street police station in Durban, where he was severely beaten by members of the SAP while under interrogation about his political activities.References
MIYA, Mduduzi Aubrey 28An ANC supporter who was killed on 18 February 1994, when four gunmen attacked a house in the rural Mahahle village, near Creighton, Ixopo, Natal, in which he and other ANC youths were sleeping. Fifteen ANC youths were killed in the attack. They had been seen putting up posters announcing a voter education workshop in preparation for the April 1994 elections. Four prominent IFP leaders were acquitted on charges relating to the massacre.References
MIYA, MlungisiAn ANC supporter who was shot and injured by IFP members during political conflict at Amahlongwa Reserve, Umkomaas, Natal, on 18 October 1990. Two perpetrators were granted amnesty (AC/1999/0015).References
MIYA, Mpotsane Albert 31Was severely beaten by a named and other members of the SAP on 1 April 1985 in Makeneng, Cape.References
MIYA, MsolwaWas imprisoned for two years in 1962 in Bizana, Transkei, for his involvement in the Pondoland revolt, and was killed by members of the SAP who shot him when they visited his home after his release.References
MIYA, Mthokozisi JohanAn IFP supporter who was shot dead on 28 March 1994 when the bus in which he was travelling was ambushed in Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, in political conflict during the run-up to the April 1994 elections. Three people were killed and 18 injured during the attack.References
MIYA, Phillip 43Was hacked to death with a panga and thrown from a train near Denver station, Johannesburg, on 16 December 1990. Between 1990 and 1993, 572 people died in train violence initiated by groups opposed to a democratic transition.References
MIYA, Qatisa Alfred 52An IFP supporter who was injured in a hand grenade attack by ANC supporters on a shop on 23 March 1993, and shot by ANC supporters on 17 April 1994 in Wembezi, KwaZulu, near Estcourt, Natal, during the run-up to the April 1994 elections. References
MIYA, Simiso EdmundWas beaten to death in Umgababa, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 29 June 1993, at a `people`s court` under the command of an officer of a local ANC self-defence unit (SDU). Mr Hlatshwayo was one of two people killed that day, and five others were severely beaten, allegedly for crimes committed in the community. One SDU member was granted amnesty (AC/2000/033).References
MIYA, Sithembiso Robert 28An IFP supporter who was attacked by ANC supporters at Malukazi, KwaZulu, near Umlazi, Durban, on 5 February 1991. He died of his injuries some days later. His mother`s house was burnt down in the attack.References
MIYA, Sokela 43An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death by IFP supporters after he was allegedly intimidated into attending an IFP meeting in Bulwer, Natal, on 20 April 1992.References
MIYA, Themba Selby 50An ANC supporter who was stabbed and severely wounded by IFP supporters at his home in Ezakheni, KwaZulu, near Ladysmith, Natal, in October 1992. He died from his injuries a few months later. References
MIYA, Thulani 16An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by named IFP supporters at Umkomaas, near Durban, in October 1990.References
MIYA, Thulani Patric 16Was shot and injured by IFP supporters in Mabhuyeni, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, on 11 March 1994 in political conflict in the run-up to the April 1994 elections. Three perpetrators were found guilty of the killings.References
MIYEN, Cyprian Majamu 38Was beaten by members of the SAP, one of whom is named, in Louis Trichardt, Transvaal, on 28 September 1990 because he participated in a strike.References
MIZA, Mthetheleli Devilliers 33Was shot and wounded by named members of the SAP on 23 July 1985 at Phakamisa High School in Zwide, Port Elizabeth. Scholars were involved in a student protest when police randomly shot at students, killing two and injuring six others, including teachers. The perpetrators were found guilty of murder and attempted murder and were sentenced to ten years` imprisonment but did not serve their sentence.References
MIZAH, Nicholas Mziwonga 22Was stabbed and injured by a group of UDF supporters in New Crossroads, Cape Town, on 22 February 1986, allegedly because he was suspected of being an informer.References
MIZAH, Nkosiyabo Christopher 19A UDF supporter who was abducted and shot dead by supporters of the KTC Masincedane Committee in KTC, Cape Town, on 5 February 1988, during internal conflict among UDF supporters in KTC and Tambo Square.References
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