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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter ME-MJ

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MJACU, Jackson 74Was severely hacked with a panga by a named perpetrator during an ANC-organised cultural event on 22 September 1990 in Jwanxa, King William`s Town, Cape. Mr Mjacu had managed to resolve political differences within the community but was attacked on his way home from the meeting. He died in hospital.References
MJACU, Sandile JosephWas shot by a named town councillor after leaving home to attend a meeting in Centerton, near Hankey, Cape. He died in hospital a few days later on 30 April 1986. The perpetrator had slept away from home for fear of being attacked by community members. He shot at two people approaching his hiding place, injuring Mr Mjacu. No one was found legally responsible for his death.References
MJADA, Noti 55Was shot and severely injured in Noupoort, Cape, on 25 April 1985, at a meeting of schoolchildren and parents to demand the building of a new school. Police dispersed the meeting by firing teargas and live ammunition and beating people with sjamboks. Several people were injured in this incident.References
MJADA, Yibanathi Michael 14Was severely beaten on his arrest at his home in Noupoort, Cape, on 25 April 1986. He was held in custody for six weeks, during which time he was severely beaten, suffocated, and had his penis slammed in a drawer by members of the SAP. Yibanathi became mentally disturbed.References
MJADU, Lindinkosi Happy 38An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by IFP supporters while on his way to work in Empangeni, Natal, on 15 July 1992 during continuing political conflict in the area.References
MJADU, Nhlanhla Kenneth 25Was stabbed with a spear and had his home burnt down in Ngwelezana, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, in April 1993 during ongoing conflict between ANC and IFP supporters.References
MJADU, Nokwethemba Ntombizakhona 36Was shot and injured and had her house in Empangeni, Natal, burnt down by IFP supporters in 1993 in continuing political conflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the area.References
MJAJA, Venene Mayvis 37Was stabbed and injured in Bhambayi, near KwaMashu, Durban, in 1993 during intense political conflict between the `Red` and `Green` factions. References
MJAJI, Mlungisi Shadrack 24Was shot dead by named IFP supporters in Port Shepstone, Natal, on 16 January 1994 in political conflict in the area during the run-up to the April 1994 elections. References
MJALI, Oupa Gert 17Was tortured in detention by named members of the SAP at Welverdiend police station, Carletonville, Transvaal, on 18 October 1990 during intense political conflict in the area. Police allegedly beat and stabbed Mr Mjali to try and make him sign a statement implicating him in political violence in Khutsong township.References
MJANDANA, MamntuShe lost her homestead in an arson attack in 1960 in Bizana, Transkei, during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
MJANYELWA, MnconcoAn iKongo member who was executed on 29 March 1962 in Pretoria Central prison, for his involvement in the Pondoland Revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
MJAYIYA, JacksonA private security guard who was injured by four APLA operatives during an attack on police members at the Khayelitsha train station, Cape Town, in 1992. Four other private security guards were injured in the attack. See APLA attacks. Two APLA members were granted amnesty (AC/1998/0103).References
MJETHU, Harold Vuyo 27Was shot and severely injured by members of the SAP in Pabellelo, Upington, Cape, on 13 November 1985, during a political rally.References
MJIJWA, Nimrod Monde 20An ANC supporter who was shot dead by members of the SAP on 23 May 1986 in Hankey, Cape, for allegedly trying to attack a councillor`s house.References
MJIKELO, July Xwele 52An ADM supporter who lost his homestead in arson attacks by named ANC members during political conflict at Msobomvu, Alice, Ciskei, in September 1992.References
MJILA, Noxolo Lindelwa 27Was shot and injured by named and unnamed ANC supporters during political conflict in Mdantsane, Ciskei, on 28 January 1993. She was allegedly targeted because she was the wife of an ADM member.References
MJILO, Jumouma 68An Inkatha supporter who had her house at Richmond Farm, near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down by ANC supporters in violent conflict with Inkatha supporters on 11 February 1990. See Richmond Farm arson attacks. References
MJIWU, Sizwe Witness 36Was blindfolded and severely beaten by members of the SAP and the CDF on 16 May 1987 in Mdantsane, Ciskei. The police claimed that Mr Mjiwu was harbouring weapons at his house and detained him at the Cambridge police station, East London. He was released and then redetained before he fled from the Ciskei. Mr Mjiwu has suffered from partial deafness since then.References
MJOBO, Zandisile Zenieth 23Was shot dead by members of the Security Police in Guguletu, Cape Town, on 3 March 1986, in the Guguletu Seven incident. Two Security Branch members from Vlakplaas were granted amnesty for the incident (AC/2001/276).References
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