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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MK

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MK ‘Brown’ (thought to be Kenneth NUNGU) An MK Special Operations commander who was one of two MK operatives shot dead in an ambush by members of the SAP Special Task Force and Eastern Transvaal Security Branch on the border between South Africa and Swaziland on 8 December 1981. The car caught alight, severely burning the two bodies. The divisional commanders of the Northern and Eastern Transvaal Security Branches, the officer commanding the SAP’s Special Task Force, as well as several Security Branch and Special Task Force members, were granted amnesty for this operation (AC/2001/186).References
MK ‘Scorpio’, or ‘Scorpion’ (whose real name may have been Oupa Ronald MADONDO)Was shot dead on the farm Leeuspoor near Jozini Dam, northern Natal, by members of the Natal and Northern Natal Security Branch in 1980. His body was destroyed by means of explosives. Five Security Branch operatives, including the divisional commander of Soweto Security Branch who authorised the operation, were granted amnesty for the killing (AC/2000/151).References
MKABALASA, Silumko LeonardWas hacked and stabbed to death by AZAPO members in KwaZakele, Port Elizabeth, in 1984 after he refused to join AZAPO.References
MKABELA, Hendrik FaniWas shot dead by members of the SAP at KwaGuga, near Witbank, Transvaal, on 20 July 1976 in the wake of the Soweto uprising. References
MKABELA, MossWas injured in a hand grenade explosion at Lulekani, Gazankulu, on 28 March 1986. Fifteen people died and scores were injured when the grenade, thrown by SADF members, exploded in a packed sheeben on Good Friday 1986. See Gazankulu hand grenade attack.References
MKABINDE, NathiWas shot and injured in crossfire between the police and named ANC operatives at Edendale Hospital, near Pietermaritzburg, on 4 May 1986, when the operatives tried to free a political prisoner held at the hospital.References
MKAFU, Msuthu 25A Poqo member who was detained without trial for 30 days in 1963 at Somerset West, Cape. He was sentenced to five years` imprisonment for his political activities.References
MKALIPI, Pretty Ntombomzi 15An AZAPO supporter who was stabbed and severely injured by UDF supporters during political conflict in Port Alfred, Cape, in June 1985. The perpetrators, armed with hatchets and axes, arrived at her home and attacked her in the yard after she escaped through a window. As a result of the attack, she is disabled.References
MKAMBA, Boby 54An ANC supporter who had his house burnt down by IFP supporters in Folweni, KwaZulu, near Umlazi, Durban, in December 1990 during intensifying political conflict in the area.References
MKAMBA, Thandiwe Primrose 53An ANC supporter who had her house and business premises in Umlazi, Durban, destroyed in an arson attack by IFP supporters on 6 May 1992.References
MKAMBULA, Dinekile Lillian 46An Inkatha supporter who had her home in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, burnt down by UDF supporters on 10 February 1987 in intensifying political conflict in the area. Ms Mkambula`s new home in Inchanga, Natal, was reportedly burnt down in 1989.References
MKAMBULE, Thomas ShortieWas shot dead by members of the SAP in KwaThema, Transvaal, on 8 July 1985 during a march to protest against the killing of several Duduza youths by Vlakplaas operatives who supplied the youth with doctored hand grenades.References
MKANYISWA, Nomathemba 65She lost her home in an arson attack by members of the SAP in Boipatong, Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, on 3 September 1984 during violence following a rent boycott.References
MKATALI, Bukwana 68An ANC member who was severely assaulted by ADM members during political conflict in Peddie, Ciskei, in 1993.References
MKATSHWA, Bennet Madala 35An ANC supporter who lost his right eye after he was severely beaten and kicked by members of the SADF 21 Battalion and the SAP in his home in Wattville, Benoni, Transvaal, on 24 May 1992. Many people were assaulted by soldiers patrolling the township that day.References
MKAZA, Fikile Kenneth 22A Nyanga resident who was shot and injured in Nyanga, Cape Town, on 26 December 1976, during political conflict between Nyanga residents and migrant workers from the hostels over the Christmas 1976 period.References
MKEFE, Luthaba 49An ANC supporter who was severely beaten by members of the CDF in September 1992 at King William`s Town, Cape. The perpetrators assaulted the Mfeke family when they could not find Mr Mfeke`s son, an ANC supporter.References
MKELENI, Phesheya Johnson GongwaneAn ANC supporter who was severely assaulted by members of the SAP in 1962 at Lusikisiki police station, Transkei, because of his involvement in the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
MKETI, Irvin Vuyisile 33Was arrested and charged with harbouring terrorists in December 1978 and detained in a prison in Umtata, Transkei, by members of the Security Branch. Members of Mr Mketi`s family were APLA activists.References
MKETI, Ntsikelelo Michael 25An MK cadre who was shot dead by a named Security Force member and others on 9 December 1987 in KwaZakele, Port Elizabeth. After he left school in 1982, he joined the ANC in exile and was not heard of again until an anonymous telephone caller informed the family that he had been killed during a confrontation with security forces.References
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