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MOLAPISANE, Boiki Michael

Age 21

Was seriously injured when a hand grenade detonated by a named MK operative exploded in Sebokeng, Tvl, on 27 November 1992. MK and APLA members had returned from exile and were training members of the community to defend themselves against IFP and security force attacks. The perpetrator threw the hand grenade after getting involved in an argument at a stokvel. Six people were killed and four were injured in the explosion.

... Mokhasi Michael MOLALE, Thabiso Stanley MOLAMU, Mantsioa Emma MOLAOA, Luthuli MOLAOA, Makholela Johannes MOLAOLWA, Edwin Boitumelo MOLAOLWE, Gift MOLAPISANE, Boiki Michael MOLAPISANE, Ngubeni Moses MOLAPISI, Chrisphos Myra MOLAPO, David Motlalentoa MOLAPO, Euphemia Dudu MOLAPO, Komape Davidson ...
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