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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MU-MZ

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MZELEMU, NkanazaAn ANC supporter who was killed by Inkatha supporters in Port Shepstone, Natal, on 26 March 1990.References
MZELEMU, Ntombifuthi Mildred 36Was severely injured by named IFP supporters in an attack at her home at Gamalakhe, KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 2 April 1994. See Mzelemu killings.References
MZELEMU, Patricia Zithobile 21An IFP supporter who was severely beaten by ANC supporters at Port Shepstone, Natal, in 1992. The perpetrators were allegedly trying to force young people to join the ANC to fight against the IFP. Ms Mzelemu`s sister was also severely beaten in the attack.References
MZELEMU, Phelelisile Pretty 4Was stabbed, shot and stoned to death by named IFP supporters in an attack at her home at Gamalakhe, KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 2 April 1994. See Mzelemu killings.References
MZELEMU, Phindile Jenent 10Was stabbed, shot and stoned to death to death by named IFP supporters in an attack at her home at Gamalakhe, KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 2 April 1994. See Mzelemu killings.References
MZELEMU, Princess ThandiweAn IFP supporter who was severely beaten by ANC supporters at Port Shepstone, Natal, in 1992. The perpetrators were allegedly trying to force young people to join the ANC to fight against the IFP. Ms Mzelemu`s sister was also severely beaten in the attack.References
MZELEMU, QhubugwegweAn ANC supporter who was killed by Inkatha supporters at Port Shepstone, Natal, on 24 March 1990, allegedly in a hit squad operation.References
MZELEMU, Simon Bhekinkosi 47An IFP supporter who was killed by ANC supporters, two of whom are named, in Port Shepstone, Natal, in 1993.References
MZELEMU, Siphiwe Simon 38An ANC supporter who was shot dead by IFP supporters in Bhoboyi, Port Shepstone, Natal, on 7 September 1993.References
MZELEMU, Zithulile 29An ANC supporter who was shot dead by named IFP supporters in Bhoboyi, Port Shepstone, Natal, on 1 April 1994, in the run-up to the April 1994 elections. His house was burnt down a week later.References
MZI, Bethuel Zwelinjani 21Was severely sjambokked by members of the SAP after his arrest on 13 April 1986 in Winterveld, Bophuthatswana, during the bus boycott by the Maboloko community.References
MZIBUKO, Bethuel Thulani 32An ANC supporter who was shot dead by IFP supporters at Park Station, Johannesburg, in October 1993. After increasing train violence, unions established train sectors to inform commuters on social and political issues, as attackers allegedly announced that they were looking for `Mandela`s children`. The IFP took responsiblity for some of the attacks, allegedly in retaliation against ANC supporters who refused to allow them to board trains.References
MZILA, Bheki Martin 19An IFP supporter who was shot dead in Bhekulwandle, Amanzimtoti, near Durban, on 13 October 1992 in continuing conflict between ANC and IFP supporters. Three other family members, including two children, were shot and killed in the attack. References
MZILA, Busisiwe Zanyana 55An ANC supporter who had her house burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 20 May 1992.References
MZILA, Makhosazane Eunice 39had her house in Nhlalakahle, Greytown, Natal, burnt down by IFP supporters in 1991 in ongoing conflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the area.References
MZILA, Mfavela Alpheus 37An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death by IFP supporters during political conflict in Greytown, Natal, on 5 December 1994.References
MZILA, Thandiwe Sylvia 41An ANC supporter who had her house at Trust Feeds, New Hanover, near Pietermaritzburg, burnt down by Inkatha supporters on 9 October 1985.References
MZILENI, Mandla Boy 23A UDF member who died by hanging in his cell at Kestell police station, near Bethlehem, Orange Free State (OFS), on 16 October 1982, during his third detention period in the same police station.References
MZIMBA, ElizabethWas shot dead in June 1993 at her home in Vosloorus, Transvaal, allegedly by IFP supporters, during ongoing political conflict on the East Rand.References
MZIMBA, Mirriam 38Was shot and injured by IFP supporters in Vosloorus, Transvaal, in June 1993 during ongoing political conflict in the area.References
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