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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MU-MZ

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MZINDLE, Mantombi 40An ANC supporter who had her home in Port Shepstone, Natal, burnt down by IFP supporters on 17 June 1993. Ms Mzimdle was allegedly targeted because her sons were ANC supporters. References
MZINDLE, Maqhawe Michael Gugulakhe 23An IFP supporter who was stabbed by ANC supporters in Gamalakhe, KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 18 April 1991.References
MZINDLE, Meslina Duduzile 36An ANC supporter who had her house in KwaXolo, near Ramsgate, Natal, destroyed by IFP supporters in April 1994 in the run-up to the April 1994 elections. She was forced to leave the area.References
MZINDLE, Ntombi EllaAn ANC supporter who had to relocate after her home in KwaXaba, near Port Shepstone, Natal, was burnt down by alleged IFP supporters in July 1991.References
MZINDLE, Ntombinkulu Charity 22A member of the IFP Youth Brigade who was shot dead, allegedly by ANC members, at Nyangwini, Port Shepstone, Natal, on 4 September 1992. See Nyangwini attack.References
MZINDLE, Sandile 17An ANC supporter who was shot dead by members of the SADF at Gamalakhe, KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 21 March 1990. The SADF members had opened fire on crowds gathered for a Sharpeville Day memorial rally, which had been deemed illegal.References
MZINDLE, Sarah Nukiwe 46An IFP supporter who had her house in Port Shepstone, Natal, burnt down by ANC supporters on 18 May 1991.References
MZINDLE, Zenzele AlfredWas stabbed to death by IFP supporters in Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 9 March 1991. He was the brother of an ANC supporter. References
MZINHLE, (first name not given)Was shot and severely injured in an attack by IFP supporters at Murchison, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 31 May 1991. At the time of the attack Mr Mzinhle was visiting a family believed to be ANC supporters.References
MZINYANE, Zwelakhe 21Was shot dead by members of the SAP at the Avalon cemetery in Soweto, Johannesburg, on 2 October 1990. The police allegedly accused the victim and his three friends of being `communists` and harbouring arms and ammunition. Three of them were shot dead.References
MZINZI, Nancy Verah 69An ANC supporter who was severely beaten by members of the CDF in KwaMasele, near King William`s Town, Cape, on 27 December 1991.References
MZINZI, Xolani Maxin 16Was shot by members of the SAP in Langa, Uitenhage, Cape, on 21 March 1985 when police opened fire on mourners marching to a funeral. At least 20 people were killed and many injured in the shooting. See Langa shootings.References
MZIZI, BayempiniAn ANC supporter who was detained and died in police custody in Durban during 1977. Police alleged that he commited suicide.References
MZIZI, Bizani Clementia 63She lost her home in Umlazi, Durban, in an arson attack on 22 June 1992 in continuing political conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area.References
MZIZI, Cosmos Mbonwa 54An ANC supporter who was shot dead during ongoing conflict between ANC and IFP supporters in Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 18 February 1994.References
MZIZI, GertrudeAn IFP supporter who was shot and injured when members of an ANC self-defence unit (SDU) opened fire on IFP supporters on their way to a meeting at the Tokoza stadium on the East Rand, Tvl, on 8 September 1991. Sixteen people were killed and ten were injured in the attack. One SDU member was granted amnesty for the attack (AC/1999/00225). See Tokoza attacks.References
MZIZI, Mbongeni 27An ANC supporter who was shot dead by IFP supporters in Polela, Bulwer, Natal, on 4 March 1993. One other ANC supporter was killed in the attack.References
MZIZI, Mjanyelwa 48An ANC supporter who was shot dead by IFP supporters in Umlazi, Durban, on 15 November 1992.References
MZIZI, MsishiWas killed by UDF supporters who spotted him in the street, pursued him into a shebeen, then captured and dragged him outside, and stoned and stabbed him, in Standerton, Tvl. Mr Mzizi was believed to be a member of the Eastern MG Pirates soccer club, whose members acted as vigilantes in collaboration with community councillors and police to attack UDF supporters. One UDF supporter applied for and was granted amnesty (AC/2001/071).References
MZIZI, Nkosinathi Bhonobhono 20An IFP supporter who was stabbed, shot and injured by ANC supporters in Umlazi, Durban, in October 1993.References
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