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NGABOM, Mandlakapheli

Age 37

Was shot dead in Mandela informal settlement, Katlehong, Transvaal, on 22 May 1993, allegedly by members of the ISU. Mr Ngabom was caught in crossfire when clashes broke out between ANC and IFP supporters and police after a group of unidentified gunmen fired at Tokoza hostel during a march organised by the ANC to present a petition at the Alberton police station. Nine people were killed and 69 were injured during this incident

... Vusumuzi Jacob Hezekia NENGOVHELA, Shonisani Maria NENGWEKHULU, Mandela Wilson NENTSA, Jacobus NENTSA, Nomawonga Debrah NETSHAKHUMA, Aida Takalani NGABOM, Mandlakapheli NGAKANE, Aaron NGAKANE, Japhta Mabuti NGAKI, Galelekile Avery NGAKI, Mboneli Shepherd NGALAVU, Sithembile Mphoswa NGALO, ...
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