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NZIMANDE, Ms (first name not given)


Was shot and injured at Port Shepstone, Natal, in 1992 in ongoing conflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the area.

Thuleleni NZAMA, Vusumuzi NZAMA, Za Jacolin Nakeni NZAMA, Zanele Nelly NZENDIVA, Toto Samuel NZIMAKWE, Constance Thembekile NZIMAKWE, Obrey Mcungisi NZIMANDE, Angeline NZIMANDE, Anton Sibongiseni NZIMANDE, Bagcinile Victoria NZIMANDE, Banafikile NZIMANDE, Beauty Thulile NZIMANDE, Bhekani Protus ...
... and many homes burnt down in an attack on the Gengeshe community. Two ANC supporters, Mr Mandlenkosi Tommy Phoswa [AM3641/96] and Mr Mafuka Anthony Nzimande [AM3095/96], were granted amnesty in respect of the attack. Both were serving fourteen year prison terms for the attack. THE COMMISSION ...
... Mlise Hallock [EC2231/97STK & EC2740/97STK] NZAMA, Pius Vusumuzi [KZN/SRM/001/DN] NZAMA, Prince Norbert Nhlanhla [KZN/SRM/001/DN] NZIMANDE, Beauty Thulile [KZN/NNN/122/PS] NZIMANDE, Unknown baby [KZN/NN/253/PM] PARKIES, Bongani [JB03184/01ERKAT ] PEBANE, Phakiso Samson ...
... this meeting, however, the Magoda SDU held their own meeting and decided that they would forgive all the refugees except their leader, Mr Zomwakhe Nzimande. The latter was subsequently killed in Richmond by Magoda SDU members. According to witnesses, Nkabinde stated that he agreed with the ...
... GRANTED 97/04/02 4481/96 NYAKANE, TJ CHAMBER GRANTED 98/07/02 6624/97 NYEMBEZI,M HEARING GRANTED 98/08/13 3095/96 NZIMANDE, MA HEARING GRANTED 97/10/22 ...
... 136. 30 Business Day, 6 April 1992. 31 Gwala was suspended from the SACP in July 1994 after ordering the assassination of party supporters Mr Blade Nzimande and Mr Ben Dikobe Martins. His bodyguards refused to carry out the order. ...
... the car of some UDF supporters. Later the same men returned his clothing to his girlfriend and told her that they had ‘killed a dog’. 57. Mr Nzimande [KZN/NN/253/PM] told the Commission that IFP members who were waging a war on him attacked his home at Landskop, Pietermaritzburg . His two ...
... between ANC and SACP members led to bitter conflict, so that Mr Harry Gwala was forced to intervene in the matter and broker a peace deal. Mr Blade Nzimande also approached the parties to settle the dispute. Most peace efforts failed and a number of people on both sides of the conflict were ...
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