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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter SI

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SIBOZO, Magojoman DavidVice chairperson of the local Civic organisation who had his house petrol-bombed while he and his family were asleep at Colesberg, Cape, on 21 July 1993, during conflict between the ANC and the Civic organisation, because of their different approaches to a rent campaign. References
SIBUMBE, Jotham Mzayas21An ANC supporter who was shot and injured in June 1986 in Naas, Tvl, by SADF members and a named policeman after he attended a political meeting. References
SICANULO, Ntshomela50An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by a named perpetrator in Flagstaff, Cape, on 13 December 1992. Before the shooting, an Imbizo had been organised by Chief Gcinilifu Mdutshane. It was subsequently called off by Regent-Chief Samuel Mdutshane and his supporters, who were against the AN/C in Xopozo Location, Flagstaff References
SICEKA, SiceloAn ANC supporter who was shot on the leg by an alleged Rasta gang member in 1990 in Soweto, Johannesburg. Mr Siceka was a member of the local civic association who were discussing methods of dealing with crime in the area. SAP members were allegedly aiding the Rasta gang who were harassing the community at the time, wanting information about the content of street committee meetings References
SICETSHE, Felishile Freddy47He lost his home in an arson attack in Crossroads, Cape Town, in April 1993, during a period of political clashes between Section 2 and Section 4 residents. References
SICHA, Tabampe Daniel48An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death in Tigane, Hartbeesfontein, Tvl, on 2 May 1993, allegedly by IFP supporters. References
SICHOLO, Walter Mbulawa21Was detained and tortured on 8 April 1989 in Khutsong, Carletonville, Tvl, during student protests in the area. References
SICKLE, Deidre Michelle23Was severely injured when she was hit in the face by a brick while driving past Crossroads, Cape Town, on 31 May 1993. She lost an eye in the attack, which was one of several similar attacks on motorists in the wake of the assassination of SACP leader, Chris Hani. References
SIDANDALA, Nomathemba Euphene46A SAAWU member who was imprisoned and severely beaten by members of the SAP and the Security Branch on 12 June 1986 in Queenstown, Cape. References
SIDLAYIYA, Christopher Liyanda ‘Khuli’ 21An ANC supporter who was tortured while in detention in August 1980 at Bishop Lavis police station, Cape Town, by named members of the SAP who wanted him to confess to his alleged part in the killing of two white people in Crossroads. He was later sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment on Robben Island for the two deaths.References
SIDU, Nomazulu Enid42An ANC supporter who was arrested and assaulted while in detention on 15 February 1986 at Jouberton police station in the Transvaal. His arrest occurred during consumer and school boycotts and rent protests in the area. References
SIDZUMO, AshleyWas beaten in the street in March 1992 in Alexandra, Johannesburg, during protests by students against the political violence in the area and the failure of police and the SADF to protect the community. References
SIDZUMO, Ntombizodwa46Was threatened, intimidated and beaten by members of the SADF in March 1992 in Alexandra, Johannesburg, during student protests in the area against the growing violence perpetrated by the IFP and police. References
SIFUKU, Mjoko Jackson51Was arrested in 1978 in Crossroads, Cape Town, and severely beaten at a police station, at a time of protest against forced removals. References
SIFUMBA, Harold Mvuyo49Was shot dead by an IFP supporter on 12 September 1991 at Vosloorus, Tvl, during clashes between IFP-supporting hostel-dwellers and ANC-supporting residents. References
SIFUNDA, TshabiWas shot by an unidentified member of the SADF at Schuzendal, Tvl, on 9 July 1990 because he was going to be a witness in a rape case. References
SIGABI, Ephraim Mxolisi 33A member of the South African Prison Services, had his house burnt down in East London in September 1985, during intense political conflict following the funeral in King William’s Town of well known lawyer and activist, Griffiths Mxenge.References
SIGAGAYI, December36Was shot dead by ANC supporters on 17 June 1993 during conflict between PAC and ANC supporters in Mount Fletcher, Transkei. References
SIGAGAYI, Michael Mangaliso32A UDF supporter who was shot and injured by members of the SAP in KTC, Cape Town, in June 1986, during the mass destruction of UDF-supporting squatter camps by Witdoeke vigilantes, acting with the tacit approval and aid of the security forces. Over 60 people were killed and 20 000 homes destroyed in the attacks. References
SIGAGAYI, Nothobani Agnes37She lost her house when it was set alight by PAC supporters during conflict between ANC and PAC supporters in Mount Fletcher, Transkei, on 17 June 1993. Her husband, December Sigagayi, was shot dead by ANC supporters on the same day. References
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