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SIKHAKHANE, Ntombikayise Regina

Age 41

She had her house in Swayimane, Table Mountain, near Pieter-maritzburg, burnt down by ANC supporters on 29 October 1989, allegedly in politicised factional conflict between the Makhatini and Mabheleni tribal groups. Eight Inkatha supporters were killed, and many houses were destroyed by fire.

... SIHLANGU, Managale Sarah SIKAKANE, Bhekuyise Christopher SIKAMA, Jongikhaya SIKEMANE, Hendrick Vuyani SIKENJANA, Morris SIKHAKANE, Celumuzi Moses SIKHAKHANE, Andrinah Thokozile SIKHAKHANE, Basil Kelly SIKHAKHANE, Bheki Richard SIKHAKHANE, Elizabeth Ntombi SIKHAKHANE, Gugu Mandy SIKHAKHANE, ...
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