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SIKUNANA, Tozama Mary

Age 62

A Nyanga resident who was shot and permanently disabled by members of the SAP in Nyanga, Cape Town, on 26 December 1976, during political conflict between Nyanga residents and migrant workers from the hostels over the Christmas 1976 period. Twenty-nine people died in the clashes and many more were injured.

... Boyi Joseph SIKOBI, Mavis Mklazi SIKOBI, Mazabiwe SIKOBI, Ngqakaza SIKOBI, Qondeni Irene Makhosi SIKONDE, David Sipho SIKUMKANI, Wenziwe Florence SIKUNANA, Tozama Mary SIKUTSHWA, Mamanci Tena SIKUTSHWA, Merriman Sipho SIKWEPERE, Lucas Baba SIKWEYIYA, Sizinzo SILANGO, Ntombifikile Anna SILANGWE, ...
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