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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter T

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TSOTETSI, Joyce Dibane42Was detained in solitary confinement for six weeks from 29 May 1984 in Soweto, Transvaal.References
TSOTETSI, Malente Emmerantia 28Was shot and severely injured by a named IFP supporter in Nqutu, KwaZulu, near Vryheid, Natal, on 13 November 1993, as she was re turning from the funeral of an ANC-aligned chief’s children. She had to flee from Nqutu hospital to Dundee hospital to escape a second attack by the perpetrators.References
TSOTETSI, Maphike Abel19Was shot dead by IFP-aligned Khetisi Kheswa gang members in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 12 January 1991 at the night vigil of an ANCYL member killed by the gang. Gang members threw hand grenades and fired at mourners, killing a number of people and injuring several others. Police arrived on the scene but provided no protection, allegedly ignoring both the attackers and the injured. See Nangalembe night vigil massacre. References
TSOTETSI, Mmasole Christinah50Was injured in an explosion caused by IFP supporters in Ratanda, near Heidelberg, Transvaal, on 28 September 1992. A labour dispute between striking COSATU-aligned FAWU workers and non-striking IFP-aligned UWUSA workers caused violent conflict in the area from July to December 1992. References
TSOTETSI, Mphonyana Meshack18Was shot dead by members of the SAP in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 23 April 1992 during conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area. References
TSOTETSI, Musoe Jonas53Was injured in an explosion on a bus in Heidelberg, Transvaal, on 16 November 1992. A labour dispute between striking COSATU-aligned FAWU workers and non-striking IFP-aligned UWUSA workers caused violent conflict in the area from July to December 1992. References
TSOTETSI, Nelson63Was severely beaten, allegedly by members of the SADF unit 32 Battalion, in Phola Park, Tokoza, Transvaal, on 5 June 1990. After about one hundred people were assaulted, four women were raped and two others were shot dead by the unit in Phola Park on 8 April 1992. The Goldstone Commission recommended the unit be removed from peacekeeping duties in all townships. References
TSOTETSI, Oupa Ishmael39Was detained, tortured and beaten in Evaton, Transvaal, on 8 November 1984 during rent boycotts in the area during the Vaal uprising. References
TSOTETSI, PeterA UDF supporter who was tortured by a named member of the Security Police on 23 July 1986. He had allegedly been implicated in the murder of a policeman. References
TSOTETSI, Piet MonkyWas shot dead by members of the SAP in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 1 April 1990, while on a march by released detainees. The Goldstone Commission found that the police acted illegally when they allegedly fired into the crowd with live ammunition. References
TSOTETSI, Saul AndrewAn ANC member who was killed when a hand grenade allegedly in his possession detonated in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 22 March 1992. Another person was killed in the incident. References
TSOTETSI, Tumelo JohannesWas shot dead by members of the SAP in Ratanda, near Heidelberg, Transvaal, on 2 July 1990 when police enforced a court eviction on Mandela squatter camp residents. References
TSOTETSI, Vusi StevenAn MK operative who was shot dead by members of the SAP in Nelspruit, Transvaal, in 1986. References
TSOTSI, ErnestWas detained and tortured by members of the Transkei Security Branch in Umtata, Transkei, who believed him to be an ANC supporter. Mr Tsotsi’s detention followed an MK attack on the Madeira Street police station, Umtata, on 29 July 1986. One Transkei Security Branch operative was granted amnesty (AC/2000/076).References
TSOTSO, Nkosemntu Louis63Was shot and killed, allegedly by IFP supporters, in Tokoza, Transvaal, on 15 August 1990 during violent political conflict which erupted on the East Rand from August 1990. References
TSOTSOTSO, Abel16An ANC supporter who was shot dead when police opened fire on a student protest march in Rammolotsi, Viljoenskroon, Orange Free State (OFS), on 19 April 1990. Four other ANC supporters were killed and seven injured in the shooting. References
TSOTSOTSO, Fako EliasA local councillor who lost his home in Viljoenskroon, Orange Free State (OFS), in an arson attack by ANC supporters on 20 April 1990. Mr Tsotsotso was then forced to resign as councillor. References
TSOTSOTSO, Moorosi Samuel19Was shot and injured when police opened fire on a student protest march in Viljoenskroon, Orange Free State (OFS), on 19 April 1990. Five ANC supporters were killed and six others injured in the shooting. References
TSUBALALA (first name not given)An ANC supporter who was shot dead when a known councillor opened fire on a group of ANC supporters protesting against the local council in Rouxville, Orange Free State (OFS), on 9 September 1990. One other person was shot dead in the incident. References
TSUENE, Igrid Magdeline40Was shot by members of the Bophuthatswana Police during a protest march in GaRankuwa, Bophuthatswana, on 7 February 1990. References
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