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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter T

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TUROK, MaryAn SACP member in Johannesburg who served a six month prison sentence in 1963 for putting up banned ANC posters. She was then served with a banning order for five years. Her husband also served a jail term. They experienced ongoing police harassment and intimidation and were forced to leave the country. References
TUSHINI, Mbeshe Ephriam23An ANC supporter who was abducted by named IFP supporters and later killed in Port Shepstone, Natal, in August 1991. References
TUSI, DumisaniAn ANC supporter who was shot and killed while fleeing Clermont, near Durban, allegedly because of internal divisions within the ANC in 1992. References
TUTANI, Freddie Qwantsu47Was shot by members of the Ciskei Defence Force (CDF) in Bisho, Ciskei, on 7 September 1992 during an ANC protest march to demand free political activity in Ciskei. Thirty people were killed and two hundred people were injured in what became known as the Bisho massacre. Two members of the former CDF were refused amnesty for the shooting (AC/2000/122). References
TUTANI, Nombulelo14Was partially blinded after being severely beaten with sjamboks by members of the Ciskei Police at a community meeting in Berlin, Cape, on 21 September 1985. References
TUTSHINI, Bekisisa Robert49An ANC supporter who lost his house in an arson attack by IFP supporters in Mvutshini, Port Sheptsone, Natal, on 21 March 1994, in the run-up to the April 1994 elections. References
TUTU, Desmond MpiloA church leader and prominent anti-apartheid activist who was a target of intimidation and harassment by the Witwatersrand Security Branch between 1982 and 1986. In 1989 Civil Cooperation Bureau (CCB) operatives placed a monkey foetus on his property. One Witwatersrand Security Branch operative and four CCB members were granted amnesty for these incidents (AC/2001/0184 and AC/ 2001/232). References
TUTU, Jerry Thozamile A local squatter leader who lost his home and vehicle in an arson attack by UDF supporters near Crossroads, Cape Town, in October 1985, during conflict over the issue of state-sponsored removals to Khayelitsha. His girlfriend was abducted and ‘necklaced’ in the attack. In 1989 he was shot and injured in an attack on his home in Khayelitsha by his former allies linked to the Lingelethu West Town Council.References
TUTU, Mhlanbunzima21An iKongo member who lost the use of his leg after being shot and injured on 6 June 1960 in Flagstaff, Transkei, during the Ngquza Hill raid in which police members ambushed community members attending a Nonqulwana meeting during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
TUTU, PatrickA member of the SAP who was shot and killed in an attack by three APLA members near the Crossroads police station, Cape Town, on 8 September 1992. A Spoornet employee was also killed in the attack. One APLA member was granted amnesty (AC/1998/0103). See APLA attacks.References
TUTU, Zukile Faithful18Was beaten with batons and knobkerries by a named member of the Amasolomzi vigilantes, together with SAP members, in Zolani, Ashton, Cape. He was arrested on a charge of arson on 20 November 1985. After being held in custody for many months while awaiting trial, Mr Tutu was sentenced to an effective three years in prison. See Amasolomzi.References
TUTUBALA, Limakatso Elizabeth47Was shot and injured in Thabong, Welkom, Orange Free State (OFS), on 16 June 1985, when she was caught in crossfire during a clash between ANC members and the A-Team at a commemoration of 16 June. See A-Team (OFS)References
TWABIYO, Ntsila 34A PAC supporter who was detained without trial for thirty days at Engcobo, Transkei, and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment on Robben Island, Cape Town, in 1963.References
TWABU, Siyabulela 22An APLA member who was shot dead with five other APLA members in March 1985 at Qacha's Nek on the Transkei-Lesotho border. Their bodies were found decomposing in a forest.References
TWALA, Clement Linda41A UDF supporter who lost his house in an arson attack by members of the Makabasa gang and the SAP in Alexandra, Johannesburg, on 22 April 1986. Police often used gang members to attack political activists in the township. References
TWALA, Dimakatso Sophie52Was severely injured in an explosion when a named perpetrator threw a hand grenade into a bus in which she was travelling on 1 December 1992 in Ratanda, near Heidelberg, Transvaal. A labour dispute between striking COSATU-aligned Food and Allied Workers' Union (FAWU) workers and non-striking IFP-aligned United Workers Union of South Africa (UWUSA) workers caused violent conflict from July to December 1992. References
TWALA, Elizabeth GenekeloAn ANC supporter who was shot dead in Tokoza, Transvaal, on 29 September 1993 during ongoing political conflict in the area. References
TWALA, ElsieShe died a fortnight after being burnt in an attack by UDF supporters at Mariannhill, Pinetown, Natal, on 28 September 1989 during political conflict in the area. References
TWALA, EsauWas one of three vigilantes pursued and hacked to death by UDF supporters in Standerton, Transvaal, in June 1987 because he was believed to have collaborated with members of the Pirates soccer club and community councillors to persecute UDF supporters. Two UDF supporters were granted amnesty (AC/2001/071). References
TWALA, Frans21Was shot dead by hostel-dwellers in Ratanda, near Heidelberg, Transvaal, on 27 January 1993 because he was suspected of being a spy for the community. References
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