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Was injured when a limpet mine planted by MK operatives exploded during lunchtime at the Wimpy restaurant in Benoni, Transvaal, on 30 July 1988. One woman was killed and at least sixty six people were injured. Four MK operatives were granted amnesty for the planning and execution of the attack (AC/1999/0294).

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... say and when you move it that way it’s different, it’s a different story altogether. What I’m saying is we need to reach a country where even white people can actually celebrate those people. ...
in Pietermaritzburg this week the mother of the victim heard how the perpetrators carefully planned and then carried out their order to kill as many white people as they could. They only managed to kill one, her ...
... Mokgesi Motheoane testifies that the tip of his penis had to be amputated as a result of torture by the police and a Free State farmer. // This white policeman said - he was a warrant officer, I was able to identify him as a warrant officer. Then he said. This ‘kaffir’ is pretending to be ...
The PAC is proud to have played its role in this historic task of overthrowing white domination in all its manifestations. We make no apologies.
Most of the evidence brought to the Truth Commission in the last 11 months concerned human rights violations in the 1980s. But resistance to white minority rule started many decades ago and we as South Africans should remember the early struggles of our people. That is what the Truth Commission’s ...
... and the askaris did become the main instrument in the killings in the 1980s and early 1990s, yes. The Mxenge killing, I mean I couldn’t walk as a white man into a black township and I would stand out like a sore finger. So you need black guys to cooperate and do the job for you and act as ...
Church street, Pretoria 1983. Amanzimtoti, 1985. ANC bombs remind ordinary white South Africans there is war. // The bomb that caused the biggest emotional outcry exploded in Church Street, Pretoria, in the late afternoon of May 20. 1983. 19 People were killed and 219 injured. The ANC claimed ...
... year sentence for his part in the killings of the four victims. Evidence leading the trial indicated that the murders were particularly brutal. The white woman was raped, her eyes gouged out and one of her breasts was hacked off. She was then set alight. Sekgopa said he couldn’t remember those ...
Most white South Africans were very proud of these actions of the Defence Force. But for Hilda Phahle it was her worst nightmare come true. Her son George lived in Gaborone. George’s brother Levi watched his family being killed by SADF special forces commandoes. // Levi watched from under the bed ...
White South Africa went into deep shock when apartheid’s greatest philosopher Hendrik Verwoerd was stabbed to death in Parliament in 1966. // His successor, John Vorster successfully kept the lid on resistance with bannings, detentions, and imprisonment. // ‘As far as the government of South ...
... couldn’t have worked. The state needed the courts to apply apartheid laws and they did. This week’s hearing on the legal sector was packed with white men in dark suits. Some of them came to apologise, others to offer their visions for the future. ...
For the past three days the TRC have heard how all South Africans, black and white, big business and workers, were all freedom fighters for liberation. We have also heard about the fact that business were victims of apartheid and have never benefitted from it. Furthermore, that they are not a ...
In 1976 Simon Farisani became the first black dean of Beuster House, established by white Lutheran missionaries a century before. // The message was simple, that apartheid was seen … it came from the devil and all serious people must pull their resources to support the freedom struggle of our ...
... this country. We want peace in this country. That is very important to us, because our husbands were fighting for peace for everybody, black and white. // Freedom. // Now if they don’t give us the truth, what do we expect? He must tell everything he knows everything. We are here to say ...
... // We will deal with this problem on our programme tonight and tell the story of Stanza Bopape. But perpetrators of human rights were not always white and not always on the sides of the apartheid governments. We also visit the Amnesty hearings in East London where the ANC Youth League ...
... after misleading the Harms and the McNally Commission. He had no other choice. Why he was then state witness, if you want to stick to black and white, and not David Tshikalanga and Albert Nofemela too, I can’t say. Why, in the Motherwell case, in the Magnus Malan trial, in the Eugene de ...
She said. You dogs, do you sleep with the white reverend? Do you let him fuck you, you dogs? Stompie you work with the police you”re a spy. So Mrs. Mandela started to beat them.
Only four months after the assassination of David Webster the most prominent white member of the Namibian liberation movement, Anton Lubowski, was shot and killed in front of his house in Windhoek. One of the men who conspired to kill him, Irish citizen Donald Acheson, was arrested soon after the ...
... you did fell short of what you should have done in the circumstances. But why? // The overwhelming majority of attorneys in private practice were white males as you set it out in Paragraph 3 of the summary. The suggestion that what really happened was that these people were beneficiaries of the ...
... Mr. Chairman because I worked there on these newspapers. Obviously from this flowed the next logical step that pay scales were miles apart for white and black journalists. Again, paying different salaries determined by race to people doing the same job was blatantly discriminatory and was an ...
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