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Was injured when a limpet mine planted by MK operatives exploded during lunchtime at the Wimpy restaurant in Benoni, Transvaal, on 30 July 1988. One woman was killed and at least sixty six people were injured. Four MK operatives were granted amnesty for the planning and execution of the attack (AC/1999/0294).

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We stay north of South Africa’s borders. Tens of thousands of young white South African men fought in Namibia and Angola in the seventies and eighties as national servicemen, the so-called ‘troepies’ on the border were used shamelessly by the government as a way of boosting white patriotism ...
... to go out and prepare the groundwork for APLA and to make the township ungovernable I regarded this as an instruction to also harm, injure and kill white people. When I saw that the driver of the vehicle which we had stoned and which had come to a standstill was a white person I immediately asked ...
Between 1991 and 1994 a number of white farmers on farms neighbouring on Lesotho were murdered brutally. In tonight’s programme we’ll tell you about one of these murders and let the killers explain. We also bring you a special report on the Pondoland uprising of 1960 and give you the substance ...
... They live, apparently as if those incidents never happened. They’re not brutalised and brutally beaten up. I mean they were the extension of white law and order into the black community. And they did it more effectively, because they would know where to seek, they would know who to ...
On the 13th of February 1991 after he and another right winger had consumed a bottle of brandy Slippers led a patrol to enforce the white by night curfew in Belfast. They kidnapped and assaulted George Nkomane, the first black man they’d encountered that night. // After we had picked up the black ...
... Emotional stress causes his personality to split into two personas, on the one hand the law enforcement officer and on the other hand the so-called white terrorist. This disorder has ironically protected him from developing post-traumatic stress disorder. His extreme memory loss is possibly ...
Finca is also deeply disappointed by what he calls the apathetic way in which most white people in this country have responded to the TRC.
look into ourselves, look into our past and take a vowel and say never again shall we allow this type of things to happen to any one of us, black or white. Never again shall we have policemen and women, or soldiers in our forces who behave in the manner in which the nation suffered this type of ...
... fifteen years after most of the violations had taken place there was still blanket denial from the government. // What we see here, especially from white people, is an attitude of why is it necessary to rake up the past, we don’t want to know about the past, it’s about reconciliation. Let’s ...
... Mayakiso, Mojapelo these people were put in a corner; they ate in a separate canteen with iron plates, iron mugs, iron spoons while their white counterparts ate from porcelain. I found this and I objected to that. I objected very strongly to the fact that black journalists were allowing ...
There were the cynics of course, some called it the crying commission, but often they were white or old allies of apartheid and scared of the guilt that came with hearing the truth, but then there were those who became part of the telling and through that some sort of reconciliation. // ‘You have ...
... behavioural malfunctions of soldiers who had fought in Vietnam. In South Africa it was first called ‘bossies’ after the experiences of mostly white South African soldiers in the bush during the war on our borders. But post traumatic stress disorder is also a condition suffered by many ...
Katiza took the sjambok and he hit me on the head with the back of the sjambok. One guy came in with a big bottle of Coca Cola and hit us on our knees. By then we had already confessed to being raped by the white reverend, because we couldn’t afford the beating any longer.
... of the newspaper Vrye Weekblad I also made a submission. There were blunt accusations that racism ran unchecked through the news rooms owned by the white press barons, that the mainstream press kept crucial information away from South Africans and more, that they had actively colluded with an ...
A think a white person should actually come to a hearing, not watch it on TV, not read about it in the newspaper but actually come and share in the process. I think some of the people who have attended hearings have been overwhelmed by what they have felt, by the pain they are seeing, but have also ...
There were the parallel of the ‘purity of race,’ which we had also, the white race to be pure.
... of the hostel and that’s how I ended up at Wits, in the late 1979 period. I think I was one of four students who were admitted to Wits, four non white students as they were then called. After a long period at Wits, it’s a very difficult period for me because I’ve not being used to mixing ...
... South Africans are able to see each other’s points of view. To me that would what reconciliation would really be. If could you take, say a young white man and a young black man and let them both understand what motivated the other to do what they did in those years. That would be a symbol of ...
... who have problems, think of Sophia Loren at least, you know, the beautiful Italian woman. But let’s think of Sophia Tobianski, the wife of this white person who used to own the whole of the plot upon which this suburb is ...
... on farms and in small towns some were preparing for a different future. The Boere Weerstands Beweging (BWB), a paramilitary offshoot of the white right wing was planning war. While most were anticipating a majority government, the BWB was stockpiling food and arms for battle against the ...
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