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Was injured when a limpet mine planted by MK operatives exploded during lunchtime at the Wimpy restaurant in Benoni, Transvaal, on 30 July 1988. One woman was killed and at least sixty six people were injured. Four MK operatives were granted amnesty for the planning and execution of the attack (AC/1999/0294).

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The exposures made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission have filled many white people and many of us in the church of England in South Africa with shock, shame and revulsion. Looking back it is amazing that we were so naïve. Be that as it may, the fact of the matter is that we allowed ...
could cure ourselves of any type of element, but at the same time also, coming to Intelezi now, Intelezi would be grown in any home. It’s what the white people call ‘flowers,’ but we African call that Intelezi. You may find an ordinary flower when you are entering a traditional home, but it ...
Helena and her husband Andre started the school with 20 children. The De Kock’s were average white Afrikaans South Africans with a dream. // In living in this country we had the desire in our innermost hearts and beings to establish something that we can do well for the whole nation not just for ...
... terror, even from ’86 onwards because Sipho her son was a UDF member and a spokesperson for the youth. In ’89 Sipho was so severely injured by white policemen and Mama Gabela and Baba Gabela were not allowed to come out of the door. Sipho was in the outbuilding. He was injured so badly, he ...
The streets of white residents would be patrolled from 9 pm in the evening and that all blacks would be removed from the town, if not willingly, forcefully.
... in George next month. The Truth Commission focused on the State Security Council because that was the body, rather than the cabinet of the white Parliament, that determined policy and strategy in the turbulent 1980s, almost a government inside a government. The council effectively took ...
... when these killings happened, the PAC had set in motion a campaign called ‘Operation Great Storm.’ It was a war campaign. The main target was white ...
We’ve come to the end of tonight’s programme. Our team is preparing a documentary on the experiences of young white soldiers who were conscripted into the old Defence Force. If you want to share your experience, please contact Annelies Burgess by fax or e-mail. Until next Sunday good night.
Our newspaper’s staffs were generally too white and in the critical editorial area black staff began to be introduced on any serious scale only during the 1970s. It’s also our view that our company’s newspapers made insufficient attempts to generate news from disadvantaged communities and we ...
Church street, Pretoria 1983. Amanzimtoti, 1985. ANC bombs remind ordinary white South Africans there is war. // The bomb that caused the biggest emotional outcry exploded in Church Street, Pretoria, in the late afternoon of May 20. 1983. 19 People were killed and 219 injured. The ANC claimed ...
in Pietermaritzburg this week the mother of the victim heard how the perpetrators carefully planned and then carried out their order to kill as many white people as they could. They only managed to kill one, her ...
... go to New Castle, and fire arms are already New Castle, and when we arrive in New Castle we’ll attack places which are usually frequented by white ...
... It was a violent system of government which denied the majority of people their basic freedom and dignity and granted special privileges to white people. During this time of oppression and the often violent opposition to it the public morality of our people were fundamentally undermined. ...
White South Africa went into deep shock when apartheid’s greatest philosopher Hendrik Verwoerd was stabbed to death in Parliament in 1966. // His successor, John Vorster successfully kept the lid on resistance with bannings, detentions, and imprisonment. // ‘As far as the government of South ...
Most white South Africans were very proud of these actions of the Defence Force. But for Hilda Phahle it was her worst nightmare come true. Her son George lived in Gaborone. George’s brother Levi watched his family being killed by SADF special forces commandoes. // Levi watched from under the bed ...
... something like this. In the office, yes we’re a rainbow nation and in the taverns and in the pubs it’s something like staff, black people staff white people. And I’m not sure if that is reconciliation. At a personal level, if there were gestures to respond to then perhaps we could work ...
... Mr. Chairman because I worked there on these newspapers. Obviously from this flowed the next logical step that pay scales were miles apart for white and black journalists. Again, paying different salaries determined by race to people doing the same job was blatantly discriminatory and was an ...
... Mokgesi Motheoane testifies that the tip of his penis had to be amputated as a result of torture by the police and a Free State farmer. // This white policeman said - he was a warrant officer, I was able to identify him as a warrant officer. Then he said. This ‘kaffir’ is pretending to be ...
... // We will deal with this problem on our programme tonight and tell the story of Stanza Bopape. But perpetrators of human rights were not always white and not always on the sides of the apartheid governments. We also visit the Amnesty hearings in East London where the ANC Youth League ...
Also a time to discuss forgiveness, versus justice. The need for the truth, white fears and the role of the Truth Commission. On Wednesday night we joined Siphiwo Mtimkulu’s former comrades and friends to debate and discuss these issues. They are all former or current members of the South African ...
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