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Amnesty Hearings


Starting Date 04 September 2000

Location DURBAN

Day 1


Case Number AM4013/96

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MR MOERANE: With the Chairperson's permission I call Mr David Madurai.

DAVID MADURAI: (sworn states)

EXAMINATION BY MR MOERANE: Mr Madurai, how old are you?

MR MADURAI: I'm 39 years old.

MR MOERANE: And where do you reside?

MR MADURAI: In Johannesburg, in Yeoville.

MR MOERANE: Yes. You are applying for amnesty with regard to the two incidents which have been mentioned, that is the Chatsworth Magistrate's incident and Rajbansi incident?

MR MADURAI: That is correct.

MR MOERANE: And did you take part in those incidents?

MR MADURAI: Yes I did, as part of the unit.

MR MOERANE: Yes. Firstly, tell us about this unit. Who were members of the unit?

MR MADURAI: The members of the unit were Derek Naidoo, Lenny Serandaran Naidoo, Richard Vallihu, Raymond Metheraj and myself.

MR MOERANE: Yes. What was your particular role in the incident involving the Chatsworth Magistrate's Court?

MR MADURAI: The incident involving the Chatsworth Magistrate's Court, I was involved in carrying the limpet mine. Well, doing surveillance and together with other unit members, making a decision about where it should be placed and what time and obviously placing the limpet mine.

MR MOERANE: At what time was the limpet mine placed in position?

MR MADURAI: It was placed around 6.30 on a Friday.

MR MOERANE: It's the only reason why you chose that time and that day?

MR MADURAI: Yes, the court closes at four o'clock on a Friday and there weren't any people around so - and the point that was chosen was where there were no pedestrian traffic at all. The side of the court, so therefore at that time and place, I mean that particular place of the court was chosen.

MR MOERANE: I see. What was your role regarding the Rajbansi incident?

MR MADURAI: My role together with the other unit members was to do a reconnaissance and to place the limpet mine together with other people at the edge of the wall where there would be minimum damage to Rajbansi’s house but also to any pedestrian traffic at that time as well.

MR MOERANE: Approximately what time was the limpet mine placed in position?

MR MADURAI: If my memory serves me correctly it was about 10, 10.15 around that time. I don't know the exact time.

MR MOERANE: On the Sunday evening?

MR MOERANE: Yes the Sunday was when we got our instructions from our commander, Raymond Metheraj.

MR MOERANE: Do you associate yourself with the reasons given by Dr Ramlakan and others for selection of these particular targets?


MR MOERANE: And you also associate yourself with his explanation and that of the others of the political motivation of your actions?

MR MADURAI: Absolutely.

MR MOERANE: Did you derive any material or financial benefits from your actions?

MR MADURAI: No, neither did any of the other members of the unit according to my knowledge.

MR MOERANE: Did you know Mr Rajbansi personally?

MR MADURAI: No, I didn't. I mean I didn't know him personally.

MR MOERANE: Did you have any grudge or any feeling of ill will or spite against him?

MR MADURAI: Not on a personal level, no.

MR MOERANE: That is the evidence.


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS CAMBANIS: Sir, can I take it in relation to the events that you apply, you had no contact with Mr Raymond Lalla?

MR MADURAI: No, I did not have any contact with him at all.

MS CAMBANIS: Thank you.


MS MOHAMED: I have no questions, Chairperson.


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR MAPOMA: Mr Madurai, I take it that you were not alone when you went to place the limpet mine at Mr Rajbansi’s house?

MR MADURAI: No, I was not alone, that is correct.

MR MAPOMA: In whose company were you?

MR MADURAI: The members of the unit, Lenny Serandaran, Derek, Raymond and myself.

CHAIRPERSON: Sorry, who was that first one?

MR MADURAI: Lerandaran Naidoo, Lenny Serandaran Naidoo.

MR MAPOMA: And would you just put us in picture on how was this done, the placing of this limpet mine? Who did what and all that? At the scene.

MR MADURAI: At Rajbansi’s house?

MR MAPOMA: Well the limpet mine was carried by Raymond and Derek behind us and Lenny and I carried a ball with us, so that was the distraction. So we dropped the ball and the limpet mine was placed and we were picked up by Richard at the end of the street.

MR MAPOMA: And then was that the modus operandi which occurred with relation to the Chatsworth Magistrate's Court?

MR MADURAI: This play, Lenny and I carried the limpet mine to the selected point of the Chatsworth Court and Raymond and Derek were nearby as lookouts and we placed the limpet mine and then we left as well.

MR MAPOMA: So was it set that it must blast after some time?

MR MADURAI: Generally it was set to explode some thirty five minutes of the pin is pulled.

MR MAPOMA: I see. Thank you, no further questions.


MR MOERANE: May the applicant be excused? Thank you.


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