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AK47Explanation Was hospitalised after being severely beaten by members of the SAP in Nkanyisweni, near Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 28 April 1992. The police were allegedly searching for an AK47 rifle thought to be hidden in his house. Was injured on 2 July 1993 when masked men armed with AK47 rifles opened fire on a home in Phatheni, Richmond, Natal. Seven refugee women and a baby were shot dead and six children were injured in the attack. Peace talks on the return of refugees had collapsed two weeks previously. Was assaulted by members of the Security Branch at Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 28 April 1992. Her husband and three children were also assaulted and injured during the police raid on her house. The police claimed to have been looking for an AK47, which they believed was hidden in the house. ... members, including both parents, were also assaulted and injured in the police raid on her home. The police claimed to have been looking for an AK47, which they believed was hidden in the house. ... An MK operative who died on the way to hospital after being shot in the head in Mofolo, Soweto, Johannesburg, on 17 December 1982 by a named askari who accused him of being a ‘terrorist’ in possession of an AK47. The perpetrator was acquitted on a murder charge. Was arrested by named SAP members on 28 January 1992 because they found an AK47 rifle in his house. He was kept in the Dube police station, Soweto, Johannesburg, for two days where he was punched and severely beaten. ... during conflict between AZAPO and ANC supporters. SADF members arrived at midnight and beat him and two friends, claiming that his friend had an AK47 in his possession and that they were responsible for violence in the ... Bekkersdal, near Westonaria, Tvl, on 7 July 1991. The perpetrators arrived at midnight and beat him and two friends, claiming that one friend had an AK47 in his possession and that they were responsible for violence in the township. ... Natal, on 24 April 1994 (a few days before the April 1994 elections), allegedly because the attackers believed her husband to be in possession of an AK47. The house was ransacked and burnt down. ... An ANCWL member who was killed on a train between Khwezi and Nhlanzani stations, Soweto, Johannesburg, by a group of men armed with pangas, knives and an AK47. Her body was found at Baragwanath Hospital on 23 April 1991. See train violence. in the company of a friend who had returned from exile. The SAP claims that Mr Mkhize and two friends had shot at them from a stolen vehicle, and an AK47 rifle and other weapons were allegedly found in their possession. Mr Mkhize was admitted to hospital and was later shot dead by members of the ... Was tortured in detention on 28 January 1992 in Soweto, Johannesburg, by named members of the SAP because he had been visiting a home in which an AK47 was found. ... his way to work at Magabheni, Umgababa, KwaZulu, near Durban, when the vehicle in which he was travelling was ambushed by uniformed men armed with AK47 rifles and 9 mm pistols. The attackers shot the occupants and then set the vehicle alight. Eight IFP supporters were killed and four were ... ... Mr Mthethwa was shot when about 300 members of the Hostel-dwellers` Association on their way to a peace meeting in Tokoza, Tvl, were sprayed with AK47 gunfire by three gunmen. At least 23 people died in the attack. The Goldstone Commission later discovered the attack was planned and carried out ... ... merely established that SAP reports related to the case were not based on fact. These reports stated that the charge office had been attacked with AK47 rifles, with some of the shots being fired by Mr ... |