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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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None of the applicants have disclosed any such act, omission or offence. On the contrary, pursuant to the enquiries made by this Committee in terms of Section 19, the applications as amplified in the letter quoted herein above, categorically state that "none of the people on its list had been ...
During the course of operations I acted as a combatant with comrade Robert McBride. Robert and I grew up together in the Wentworth area and we got to know each other well. As we grew up we became increasingly politicised. Our people in Wentworth and generally in South Africa were suffering. ...
MR VAN DYK: It was late at night, there were not many people around but there were some guards around, but I would not have done it.
MR LEWIN: Thank you Mr Chair. Morning Mr Morare. Sorry. Morning Mr Morare. Thank you very much for coming to join us and to tell your story. You have seen the way in which people are enabled here to tell their stories. I just want to confirm that you are going to tell us about an incident ...
... stop which is found at the entrance as one enters Sangweni Section in Tembisa. This incident took place at approximately 19H00, applicant is not aware of or he does not recall the early date nor does he recall the exact month, he however mentioned that it was on or about September ...
ADV GCABASHE: Anything related to housing, which is another activity that we've heard about at these hearings, assisting people to relocate, did you have anything to do with that at all?
SEAPOINT: decision, is that the people did not have to testify.
MRS MAIFADI: Benjamin Maifadi was at home. That is where I was born and is where I was married. He went to visit his grandmother for a couple of days. There was a time when people came and told us that the children have gone to KwaNdebele and we asked how could we get to KwaNdebele and where in ...
CHAIRPERSON: You look pretty young. I thought you were 14, because people under the age of 18 do not appear before the Commission on their own. Reverend Xundu will swear you in.
MRS MATHEBULA: It was in 1986, in May on the 12th. We were going to the cemetery. The proceeding was normal on our way to the cemetery. There was no problem at all. While we were at the cemetery the ceremony was already done and then we were told that the elderly people should go, and I ...
It was on a Sunday, the Red Cross people came, they came to visit me and they asked the same question. They asked me how many bullets, the Red Cross people said they only saw seven wounds. I was taken back to the cell. The next day I was taken to court and I was charged for illegal possession ...
CHAIRPERSON: Well I did not watch television this morning and I have not seen that report. The press that I have read seem to have reported the matter with some accuracy and the purpose, as I understand it of the agreement, it was an agreement yesterday, was to enable these people to be notified ...
I would like to talk about my uncle who was shot by one of the policeman at Wolmaransstad. It was during the water crisis at that time in Wolmaransstad in 1983. When there was a water problem we used to get water from the wells, which we made ourselves, in an area called Debing. As my uncle was ...
DR ALLY: So you do not know if on this day that the police were actually looking for your son or that the people who shot him may have known that this was your son?
MR RAMMBWA: I went to the deceased's home in order to ask him to leave the Village and the deceased refused to leave the Village. Before further talks can be pursued, the deceased started to throw the spear to the crowd and the stones and he was also using the assegai and then the people threw the ...
... him and he was eventually caught, killed and his body set on fire.  Mbhele took no part in this.  Mbhele in his evidence denied that he was aware that Dlangisa would in all likelihood be killed.  He said he thought the community would hand Dlangisa over to the police.  In the light of ...
The PAC regarded the killing of Amy Biehl as a mistake committed by young people who were misguided. They nevertheless supported the application for Amnesty.
the liberation of our country and for our people, but he got ill treatment while they were in the custody of the police. We thank you for coming forward so that you can tell the Commission and the country as a whole. The main aim of the Commission is to when you tell your story so that the whole ...
PROFESSOR MEIRING: Mrs Ndlebe, thank you for coming. We have heard so many stories today about the same event, about that fateful night, the vigil, the massacre, the people involved. And now you have come and you have brought your daughter-in-law Sebongele with you. Will you please relax and tell ...
He said that there were no riots, they were just toyi-toying. It was not all the people from the township, it was only a small group because we are two groups in the township. It was only kids. Then the police came, then Flemming shot me. I was actually shot by Flemming, my son said. Then my ...
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