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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Irene March has accepted the deaths of her two sons, but it is the mysterious disappearance of David that will not leave her. That haunts her as much today as it did 13 years ago. // Sometimes weekends I go to church if I like. Sometimes I just go to the meetings to be with other women. Also, I’m ...
Each shift that I worked, on each of these shifts there were assaults and if you want me to estimate the number I would say a 1000 plus people in my career, in my short career in the police. // I did as I pleased. I had the power in my hands. It was so obvious that a former Lieutenant Meyer called ...
The shocking images of Sophiatown, people just being uprooted and carted away much against their will and quite hopelessly struggling against this thing, the machine of the National Party government at the time was just simply too strong. // Shortly after that the area was razed to the ground. In ...
In all these cases of murder nobody has ever been found guilty. Some have not even been investigated. The killers walk around as free men. The victims still live in fear. // This is a Truth Commission; this thing is very good for reconciliation. Why they don’t go to that Truth Commission and ...
They were formed to persuade the Moutse”s Sotho speaking people to agree to be part of the KwaNdebele, which the Moutse people rejected and resisted until they won it. They were very fierce guys. When they go and attack they used to have a kind of a paint. They painted themselves white, whether ...
It was the worst of it, where people are not allowed to stay with his wife. They said when they are married that you will be separated by death, but they are separated by the police.
‘Church Street Bomb Pretoria, May 1983.’ // It was the Air Force target. Had that bomb gone off at 4:30, it would have caught the majority of people … the overwhelming majority would have been from that place. But it went off prematurely and it had been carefully reconnoitred, so there was ...
The Committee seemed unconvinced of his political motive. // So, you were the judge, the jury and the executioner. // That is correct. // What was your view as an experienced policeman about instructions by somebody who tells you that you must be the judge and the executioner of people? // I ...
On Thursday President Nelson Mandela visited the site where Samora Machel died ten years ago. He declared it a national monument and announced that his government would reopen the investigation into the causes of the plane crash. Of course, as far as the previous government was concerned there was ...
But one member of the community did apologise. In an emotional moment during the hearings that mostly simmered with pent-up resentment, Reverend Aubrey Beukes apologized to Jetta Sethwala’s mother. // I would like to say to Mrs. Sethwala, the family of Jetta, please forgive us that we allowed you ...
sometimes praying for myself that if God can take my life with the child, maybe it will be better. Because there was no privacy. Even from my labour ward to the wards. When I wanted to go to the toilet, they didn’t want me to go to the toilet, as if maybe I’ll run away. So, they brought a ...
I realized that they were going to be killed at the scene of the crime when the people were singing these freedom songs. And you’d find that when you were stopping one side, something would happen on the other side and you couldn’t control the people and people were saying things like ‘our ...
There’s another matter Chairperson which you might want to refer to which was I think was described at the time as the Silverton bank siege. This is the only instance in which cadres of Umkhonto we Sizwe took hostages. There were three cadres who were going on some operation. They realised that ...
During the mid 1980s the farm roads of the northern Transvaal became South Africa’s new killing fields. The killer had no face and chose its victims at random. // ‘Ses mense is dood en vyf ernstig beseer in nog ‘n landmyn ontploffing in Noord Transvaal. Die minister van verdediging general ...
Then the other side, those branded informers, started hitting back. People in the township started referring to them as the A-Team after an American television series. Members of the community say the police assisted the A-Team, but they deny this saying that when they were in trouble the police ...
... not cope, not in facilities to accommodate and feed the tidal wave of newcomers nor in training them. The ANC’s next crisis followed shortly afterwards. The apartheid government recruited, bought and blackmailed hundreds of people to infiltrate the ANC camps. Soon, the ANC was overcome by a ...
Chris Hani, son of a Transkei migrant worker, Fort Hare University graduate at 19, a man who spoke with passion about both Shakespeare and socialism, a man whose coming of age at 21 involved skipping the country to join the exiled ANC. One of the very first to respond to the ANC’s call to arms in ...
When I first started photographing this process I didn’t know what was going on. It was a totally new and novel experience. I think the biggest shock for me was when I had to photograph Capt Benzien showing how he tortured people.
For the past three days we’ve been listening to sometimes conflicting but nevertheless extremely damning evidence about kidnapping and vicious assault on four young people. We should also not forget that Madikizela-Mandela was convicted of kidnapping by a court of law and there’s very little ...
And this is exactly what many black people did. The passport out of the hardship of being black was trying to be coloured. Many took on a coloured identity or an Afrikaans sounding surname, usually both. // Yes, they called it turning your jacket inside out. You put the inside outside and the ...
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