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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MAN-MAQ

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MAPHUMULO, Msizeni Shadrack 48A senior member of MK`s Natal military machinery in Swaziland who was shot by SADF Special Forces operatives while he was resisting abduction from his home in Manzini, Swaziland, on 12 December 1986. Mr Maphumulo died en route to South Africa. A 13-year-old Swazi national was killed and four other foreign nationals (two Swiss, one Swazi and one South African) were abducted from their homes in Mbabane, Swaziland, in the same operation. Mr Maphumulo, from KwaMashu, Durban, had previously been imprisoned on Robben Island for ten years. References
MAPHUMULO, MthandeniAn SAP member who was arrested and tortured by fellow members of the SAP in Springs, Transvaal, on 12 August 1986 after he dug the body of an MK operative out of a government grave so it could be sent to Sabie for a decent family burial. He was later discharged from the police.References
MAPHUMULO, MzwamandlaAn IFP supporter who was burnt to death in August 1993 when ANC supporters attacked and set fire to his mother`s home in Nsuze, Tongaat, Natal. His brother, an IFP supporter, was also burnt to death in the attack. References
MAPHUMULO, Nakoti 51An ANC supporter who had her homestead destroyed in an arson attack by unidentified persons, at Magabheni, Umgababa, KwaZulu, near Durban, Natal, in 1991 in ongoing conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area. Both her sons were injured in the attack.References
MAPHUMULO, Nhlanhla Gerald 34An ANC supporter who was stabbed and injured by a named IFP supporter at Maqongqo, Table Mountain, near Pietermaritzburg, in 1991. At the time of the attack, Mr Maphumulo was allegedly with a person who was being targeted by local youths and IFP chiefs.References
MAPHUMULO, Nokuphiwa 67She lost her house in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, in an arson attack by IFP supporters on 16 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks. References
MAPHUMULO, Nonkantolo Ganephi 73She had her house burnt down by ANC supporters at Nsuze, Tongaat, Natal, in August 1993. Both her sons, who were IFP supporters, were burnt to death in the attack. References
MAPHUMULO, Nosibhedela 62She had her house burnt down by IFP supporters in Maqongqo, Table Mountain, near Pietermaritzburg, in 1991. Since 1984, Ms Maphumulo and her family had experienced sustained periods of victimization and harassment by Inkatha supporters, allegedly because her son, Chief Mhlabunzima Maphumulo, refused to align himself with Inkatha.References
MAPHUMULO, Ntombi AlzinaAn UDF supporter who had her house looted and set alight on 6 April 1990 when a group of Inkatha supporters attacked UDF supporters and residents at Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, in spite of a heavy police and military presence. Fourteen people were killed and at least 120 homes burnt down. One former IFP member was granted amnesty (AC/1999/0332).References
MAPHUMULO, Penelope Nombuso 28An ANC supporter who was shot dead by IFP supporters at Magabheni, Umgababa, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 30 July 1990, allegedly because her father-in-law, in whose house the attack took place, was an ANC supporter. Ms Maphumulo`s husband was also shot dead, and her son, aged 4, was shot and injured in the attack.References
MAPHUMULO, Pikinini Ephraim 57An ANC supporter who was arrested in 1985 while crossing the border to Swaziland. In custody in Durban, he was severely assaulted by members of the SAP. Mr Maphumulo was charged and convicted for leaving the country illegally. He was released from Robben Island early on account of injuries sustained while he was held in custody.References
MAPHUMULO, Primrose Khwezi 37An ANC supporter and an invalid who died of suffocation when her brother`s house was petrol-bombed by IFP supporters in KwaMakhutha, Amanzimtoti, near Durban, on 29 October 1992.References
MAPHUMULO, PriscaWas shot dead by IFP supporters in Amanzimtoti, near Durban, in March 1993. Her daughter and mother were killed in the same attack, which occurred when they returned to check on the home they had fled for safety.References
MAPHUMULO, Samukelo 4Was shot and injured by IFP supporters at Magabheni, Umgababa, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 30 July 1990, allegedly because his grandfather, in whose house the attack took place, was an ANC supporter. Samukelo`s parents were both shot dead in the attack.References
MAPHUMULO, ShadrackAn informer who was shot and killed by Security Branch members and Vlakplaas operatives on the 14 August 1986 at the Nerston Amsterdam Road, Nerston. Mr Maphumulo was tasked by the perpetrators to infiltrate an MK unit and transport them across the border. In an ambush, four members of the unit were killed and one was wounded. Mr Maphumulo was also killed. Three perpetrators were refused amnesty and eight granted amnesty for the incident (AC/2001/148).References
MAPHUMULO, Sibongile Patricia 37She had her house burnt down by ANC supporters in Isigodi Bekwandla, Amanzimtoti, near Durban, on 19 March 1990 in intensifying conflict in the area following the unbanning of political organisations in February 1990. Ms Maphumulo lived in an Inkatha stronghold, which was attacked that day by ANC supporters.References
MAPHUMULO, Sibusiso 13An ANC supporter who was killed on 18 February 1994, when four gunmen attacked a house in the rural Mahahle village, near Creighton, Ixopo, Natal, in which he and other ANC youths were sleeping. Fifteen ANC youths were killed in the attack. They had been seen putting up posters announcing a voter education workshop in preparation for the April 1994 elections. Four prominent IFP leaders were acquitted on charges relating to the massacre.References
MAPHUMULO, Sihle Cyprian 14An ANC supporter who was shot dead at K Section, Umlazi, Durban, on 24 September 1993 in continuing conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area.References
MAPHUMULO, Sikhumbuzo Richard 14Was shot dead in an attack on his family home at Folweni, KwaZulu, near Umlazi, Durban, on 25 March 1992, during continuing conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area.References
MAPHUMULO, Simon Qhimilili 36An ANC supporter who had his home burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 20 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks. References
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