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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MAN-MAQ

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MAPONYA, Japie Kereng (aka `Geeletjie`)Was abducted from Krugersdorp, Transvaal, during September 1985 by Vlakplaas operatives on the instructions of the West Rand Security Branch. He was taken to Vlakplaas and interrogated and assaulted in an effort to extract information about the activities of his brother, MK operative Odirile Maponya, aka `Mainstay`. Following his refusal to co-operate, he was killed and buried on the Swazi side of the border. Nine Security Branch operatives, including the divisional commander of West Rand and the commander of Vlakplaas, applied for amnesty. Three applications were refused and six granted (AC/2001/272 and AM/2001/279).References
MAPONYA, PeterWas shot at by NUMSA members during a strike at the Haggie Rand factory in Tembisa, Johannesburg, on 22 February 1990. Amnesty was granted one NUMSA member (AC/1999/0296).References
MAPOTELE, PietHe suffered injuries when the armoured vehicle in which he was travelling drove over and detonated a landmine in Messina, Transvaal, on 27 November 1985. The ANC landmine campaign was aimed at military patrols in the rural areas. Three MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/093).References
MAPOULA, Noko Albert 57He had his home at GaMatlala, Lebowa, burnt down by supporters of Chief BK Matlala on 2 February 1980, because Mr Mapoula resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MAPOULO, Monyane Joseph 42He had his home at GaMatlala, Lebowa, burnt down by supporters of Chief BK Matlala on 2 February 1980, because Mr Mapoulo resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MAPOULO, Ramkoni Martina 53She had her home at GaMatlala, Lebowa, burnt down by supporters of Chief BK Matlala on 2 February 1980, because she resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MAPUA, Oupa Josiah 21A UDF activist who was shot dead by members of the SADF during intense public unrest in Duncan Village, East London, on 13 August 1985. See Duncan Village. References
MAPUMULO, Bongokwakhe Hebron 67An ANC supporter who had his house burnt down by IFP supporters in Bhekulwandle, Amanzimtoti, near Durban, during 1991.References
MAPUMULO, CushiweShe died after being shot dead by unidentified perpetrators at Katlehong, Transvaal, on 12 September 1992, allegedly because her father was rumoured to be an IFP supporter. Her two sisters died as a result of the same attack.References
MAPUMULO, Danisiel Amy 43An ANC supporter who had her house burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks. References
MAPUMULO, DumalileWas shot dead by unidentified perpetrators at Katlehong, Transvaal, on 12 September 1992, allegedly because her father was believed to be an IFP supporter. Her two sisters died as a result of the same attack.References
MAPUMULO, Gilford Katshana 51He had his house in Qinabout, Port Shepstone, Natal, petrol-bombed in April 1991 in continuing conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area. Mr Mapumulo and his family were forced to flee the area.References
MAPUMULO, NomlomoWas severely injured after being stabbed and shot in Katlehong, Transvaal, allegedly by ANC supporters, on 12 September 1992 because her husband was suspected of being an IFP supporter. Ms Mapumulo`s three daughters were also allegedly killed in this incident and her son was reportedly confined to a wheelchair as a result of his injuries. Ms Mapumulo herself lost an eye. References
MAPUMULO, Siwoti 54An ANC supporter who had her home burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks.References
MAPUMULO, SiyangoshovaWas shot dead in Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 28 July 1987, in intensifying conflict between UDF and Inkatha supporters in the area.References
MAPUMULO, SizeniWas shot dead by unidentified perpetrators at Katlehong, Transvaal, on 12 September 1992, allegedly because her father was rumoured to be an IFP supporter. Her two sisters died as a result of the same attack.References
MAPUOA, Ronald Mosebetsi (aka 'Sidwell Mbele') 27An MK member who was shot dead in an attack by SADF Special Forces and Vlakplaas operatives on homes at Ditlharapeng village, Ramathlabama, Botswana, one thousand metres from the South African border, on 11 December 1988. A 15-year-old boy was also killed, and three homes were destroyed. The Vlakplaas commander and eight of his operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/108).References
MAPUTE, Simphiwe ZakariahWas shot dead by a member of an ANC self-defence unit (SDU) in Vosloorus, Transvaal, on 2 February 1993. The perpetrator thought Mr Mapute was trying to attack him as he walked along the road at night. One SDU member was granted amnesty (AC/2001/140).References
MAPUTLA, Phadishi Abram 49Was severely beaten in Ga-Kibi Village, Lebowa, on 10 October 1986 at a community meeting called to discuss grievances against the self-appointed Chief Lebogo. The chief used police and SADF members to disperse the meeting by sjambokking those in attendance.References
MAPUTLA, Simon Selema 34Was severely assaulted in Pietersburg, Transvaal, on 10 April 1987 by two named perpetrators claiming to be sent by a local chief. They searched Mr Maputla`s home, took him to the veld where they broke his jaw, tied his hands with wire to the back of a van, and dragged him behind it.References
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