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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MAN-MAQ

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MAQANDA, Themba Abeshai 47Was paralysed after he was shot and severely injured by a named town councillor in Vosloorus, Transvaal, on 13 December 1992. Mr Maqanda was returning from a mass meeting about a rent boycott when people taking part in a protest march tried to set the councillor`s house alight.References
MAQEKEZA, Dugard Zweledinga 27An ANC supporter with links to MK who was severely tortured in detention in 1987 by members of the Transkei Security Branch in Umtata, Transkei. One member of the Transkei Security Branch was granted amnesty (AC/2000/076). References
MAQEKEZA, Jama Hamilton 24Was shot and injured by members of the SAP in Guguletu, Cape Town, on 11 August 1976, after the Soweto uprising erupted in Cape Town. Mr Maqekeza was returning from his job as a chef when he was shot. Over 20 people were killed that day during extensive unrest.References
MAQEKEZA, Mazizi Attwell Ngubekhaya (aka 'Mpilo') 22An MK operative from Gatyane, Willowvale, Transkei who was shot dead in his bed in Queen Elizabeth hospital, Lesotho, on 15 March 1988. Mr Maqekeza had been hospitalised in February 1988 after surviving a roadside ambush by armed men wearing Lesotho security force uniforms. A fellow MK operative was killed in the ambush, but a third MK operative, Mr Mbulelo Ngono, escaped. He, however, was abducted four days later by members of the Ladybrand Security Branch and has not been seen since.References
MAQENUKANA, ShakespearA resident of Crossroads, Cape Town who was severely beaten by local squatter leaders in Crossroads in 1985. He was abducted in 1986 and severely beaten, tortured and hit with a panga on the head while being held for a week at a local informal `jail` run by Witdoeke vigilantes in Crossroads, with the approval of the security forces. The second assault left him mentally disabled.References
MAQETHUKA, Thamsanqa 16Was shot dead by named members of the SAP in Barkly East, Cape, on 10 February 1990 during celebrations of the release of Nelson Mandela.References
MAQETHUKA, Thembi Joyce 27An ANC supporter who had her house destroyed by IFP supporters in Chimora, Umlazi, Durban, on 16 January 1992. See Chimora Settlement attacks.References
MAQETUKA, Vuyo 30A PEYCO member who was shot by members of the SAP in Port Elizabeth, on 27 March 1985 while he was attending a funeral of an unrest victim.References
MAQEWU, ManhanhaWas hacked to death by named perpetrators on 18 December 1960 in Zizityaneni, Bizana, Transkei, during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
MAQGAQGA, Enoch ButiWas shot dead while taking part in a march protesting about sanitation services in Siyathemba, near Balfour, Transvaal. References
MAQHABA, Freeman James 57A UDF supporter who lost his shops, vehicles and furniture when they were burnt by members of the SAP on 1 October 1985 in Kirkwood, Cape.References
MAQHASHA, Veronica Phumla 12Was shot and injured in Oudtshoorn, Cape, on 17 June 1985, by members of the SAP who were concealed in a policeman`s home. Three children, known as the Bongolethu Three, were shot dead and several others injured when police opened fire on those entering or near the house.References
MAQHASHALALA, Mantuntu JacksonAn ANC supporter who was shot in Flagstaff, Transkei, in June 1960, during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
MAQHULA, Mvulo Peter 19A COSAS member who was shot dead by a named member of the SAP in KwaZakele, Port Elizabeth, on 10 May 1985.References
MAQOGI, Monwabisi 20A UDF supporter and youth activist from Worcester, Cape, who was arrested at a Botswana border post while trying to leave the country with four others in June 1987. He was severely tortured by members of the Bophuthatswana Police in that area and then taken to the Cape where he was again tortured by named members of the Security Branch from Worcester. After being held under section 29 in solitary confinement for six months, Mr Maqogi was sentenced to six years` imprisonment. He was released as a political prisoner in December 1990.References
MAQOKO, Ndolotswana 32Was shot and injured by members of the SAP in Nyanga, Cape Town, on 28 August 1985, during the Pollsmoor march to demand the release of Nelson Mandela.References
MAQOLO, Bongani LeanardA member of the Cradock Youth Association who was sentenced to eight years` imprisonment in January 1987 at Cradock, Cape, on a charge of killing a policeman during the political conflict of 1985.References
MAQOLO, Mbuyiselo Maxin 35Was beaten and tortured by members of the SAP during political unrest in Port Elizabeth in 1986.References
MAQOMA, Nomagabiso Greta 46An ANC supporter who had her house burnt down by IFP supporters in Amaoti, Inanda, near Durban, on 15 March 1991.References
MAQOMA, NomalungeloWas detained during Operation Katzen and tortured during interrogation by members of the Ciskei Elite Unit in Alice, Ciskei, in1986. Two members of the Ciskei Police, and seven members of the SADF, Border Security Branch and Department of Prisons for Operation Katzen were granted amnesty for the torture (AC/1997/0023, AC/1997/0024, AC/1997/0025, AC/1998/043, AC/1999/003, AC/1999/245, AC/2000/037, AC/2000/192, AC/2001/159 and AC/2001/224).References
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