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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MC-MD

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MDEKAZI, SonwaboAn MK operative who was killed in a shoot-out with members of the SAP in Ntshekisa Road, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth on 5 August 1987.References
MDHLULI, Sizanje ElizabethWas shot and injured by members of the SAP outside the magistrate`s court in Kabokweni, KaNgwane, during court proceedings against a number of student leaders in 1986.References
MDHLULI-PIKELELA, Moses Wellington Khehla 16A COSAS member who was arrested and tortured by members of the SAP in Diepkloof, Soweto, Johannes-burg, in 1986 during student unrest in the township.References
MDIBI, Thembinkosi Lenford 35Was shot in the stomach by members of the ISU during political conflict at Bhambayi, near KwaMashu, Durban, on 4 January 1993.References
MDIDIMBA, Mzukisi Cathnick 16Was severely beaten by named Amasolomzi vigilantes in Zolani, Ashton, Cape, on 24 May 1986. Mr Mdidimba and 115 others were arrested on charges of public violence. Mr Mdidimba was acquitted after spending months in custody.References
MDIKENI, NowandaAn ANC member who was assaulted in 1960 in Bizana, Transkei, during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
MDIMA, Gibe 64An ANC supporter who had his home burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks.References
MDIMA, Khokhiwe 50An ANC supporter who had his home burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 20 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks.References
MDIMA, Lulu 62She had her house burnt down in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 13 February 1994. Around 20 deaths and at least 28 incidents of house burning were recorded that month in intense political conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in intense political conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area. Hundreds of people were forced to flee from the area, and schools and shops were forced to close. References
MDIMA, MandlakayiseAn ANC supporter who died in detention after being detained and severely assaulted by members of the SAP at his home in KwaMashu, Durban, on 20 December 1990. Mr Mdima`s two brothers were killed in political conflict in the Durban area in 1989 and 1990.References
MDIMA, Mfeleni 46An ANC supporter who had his house burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks. References
MDIMA, MthozisiAn ANC supporter who was shot dead in Chesterville, Durban, on 11 November 1989 in intensifying political conflict in the area. Mr Mdima`s two brothers were both killed in 1990, one in detention and one in political conflict in the Durban area.References
MDIMA, Nomtshezi ElizaWas shot dead by IFP supporters in Empangeni, Natal, on 26 March 1992, allegedly because she was thought to be harbouring ANC supporters.References
MDIMA, NqobaAn ANC supporter who was stoned to death on 12 November 1990 near his home in Kwa-Mashu, Durban, in ongoing conflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the area. Mr Mdima`s brothers were both killed, one in detention, and one in political conflict in the Durban area.References
MDIMA, Salelem Dorcas 38She had her home burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks.References
MDIMA, Sizani 47An ANC supporter who had her home burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 20 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks.References
MDIMA, Solekhaya JackWas shot dead in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 13 February 1994. Around 20 deaths and at least 28 incidents of house burning were recorded that month in intense political conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area. Hundreds of people were forced to flee from the area, and schools and shops were forced to close. References
MDINGANE, BandileAn ANC supporter who was killed in 1986 in Umtata, Transkei.References
MDINGI, Leonard Maqhatshu 49An ANC supporter who was detained and tortured by members of the SAP in Durban during 1975, allegedly because he had been involved in harbouring ANC operatives in the area. References
MDINGI, LuckyA UDF supporter who was stabbed to death by Inkatha supporters in Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 28 August 1989.References
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