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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MC-MD

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McKENZIE, Keith Charles 35Was detained in Botswana by ANC security members in April 1987 and held for several years in Zambia and Angola during which he suffered severe ill-treatment. McKenzie, originally from Eersterus, Transvaal, was, at the time, involved in a joint Northern and Western Transvaal Security Branches and Special Forces operation which resulted in the deaths of three Batswana citizens, including two children, and injury to three others. This occurred when, a few days after his detention, South African security agents found the bus he had been driving and detonated the bomb it was carrying. According to amnesty applicants, Mr McKenzie was unaware he was driving a booby-trapped vehicle. Five members of the Security Branch were granted amnesty for the explosion (AC/2000/0214).References
McLEAN, Thamsanqa Godfrey 34A PAC supporter who was stabbed, hacked and left seriously injured by Witdoeke vigilantes in KTC, Cape Town, on 9 June 1986, during the mass destruction of UDF-supporting squatter camps by the vigilantes, acting with the tacit approval and aid of the security forces. Over 60 people were killed and 20 000 homes destroyed in the attacks.References
MCOSANA, Mampho Betty 53Was beaten by SAP members at her home in Parys, Orange Free State (OFS), on 28 September 1990, allegedly because the police overheard her commenting about them. Her 16-year-old daughter was also severely beaten by the SAP members when she tried to help her mother.References
MCOSANA, Sweetness Tanetjie 16Was beaten by named members of the SAP in Tumahole, Parys, Orange Free State (OFS), on 28 September 1990, when she tried help her mother, who was being beaten by the police. Sweetness Mcosana was pregnant at the time of her beating, and her child is now blind and mentally disabled. References
MCOSINI, Nombali Philby 28Was stabbed and severely injured in December 1985 at KwaMakhutha, Amanzimtoti, near Durban, in what became known as the Umbumbulu massacre. See Umbumbulu massacre. References
MCOYANA, MosesA UDF supporter who was shot with birdshot and injured by named members of the SAP when a student demonstration passed his home in Colesberg, Cape, on 22 July 1985. Reverend Mcoyana was detained under Article 50 of the Internal Security Act on 24 July 1985. He was acquitted of all charges by the Supreme Court, Eastern Cape.References
MCOYI, Goodman Sipho 25An ANC supporter who was killed by IFP supporters in Hammarsdale, Natal, on 17 December 1990.References
MCOYI, Innocent 23An ANC supporter who was killed by IFP supporters and members of the KwaZulu Police in Hammarsdale, Natal, on 2 November 1990.References
MCUBE, Buyanaye Mirriam 73An ANC supporter who had her home in Hopewell, Ixopo, Natal, burnt down by IFP supporters in March 1992.References
MCUBE, Thembani Ester 31An ANC supporter who had her home in Inanda, near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down by Inkatha supporters in July 1985.References
MCULWANE, Elizabeth 45Was stabbed and injured when IFP supporters attacked her home on 5 December 1991 in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal, in continuing political conflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the area. One family member was killed in the attack and one other was stabbed and injured. See Bruntville attacks.References
MCULWANE, Hluthu 56An IFP supporter who was shot and stabbed to death by ANC supporters in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal, on 20 June 1992.References
MCULWANE, Ntobeko 10Was stabbed and injured when IFP supporters attacked her family home on 5 December 1991 in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal. One family member was killed in the attack and one other stabbed and injured. See Bruntville attacks.References
MCULWANE, Ntokozo Petros 10Was stabbed to death when IFP supporters attacked his family home on 5 December 1991 in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal. Two other family members were stabbed and injured in the attack. See Bruntville attacks.References
MCUNU, Doli Stephen 50He had his home in Madakane, Port Shepstone, Natal, burnt down by ANC supporters on 26 April 1991 in ongoing political conflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the area.References
MCUNU, Johannes Bigboy 48An IFP supporter who was shot dead by named IFP supporters in Port Shepstone, Natal, on 6 November 1992. Mr Mcunu, who lived in an ANC stronghold, was allegedly throught to have ANC sympathies.References
MCUNU, Msolwa 51An ANC supporter who had his house in Richmond, Natal, destroyed in an arson attack in 1991 during intense conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area.References
MCUNU, Vimbekhaya 47An IFP supporter who was assaulted by other IFP supporters in Empangeni, Natal, during September 1992, in the course of an internal dispute.References
MCUNUKELWA, MakhubaloWas detained for two months and severely tortured by members of the SAP in 1961 in Bizana, Transkei, during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
MCWABE, Mbukelwa Jerome 38An Inkatha leader who was shot dead by ANC supporters in Imbali, Pieter-maritzburg, on 16 March 1990 following the unbanning of political organisations in February.References
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