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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter ML-MN

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MNIKATHI, Simon 45Was shot dead by unidentified persons in Umgababa, KwaZulu, near Durban, in the early hours of 13 May 1990 as he drove home with his children, who had fled after an arson attack earlier that night. Mr Mknikathi`s wife was also shot dead. Their children escaped.References
MNIKATHI, Smanga Felix 35An ANC supporter who was shot, stabbed and severely injured in Mpophomeni, KwaZulu, near Howick, Natal, on 26 December 1991. Two other ANC supporters were shot dead in the attack, which allegedly arose from serious internal party conflict. References
MNIKATHI, Vika Jefrey 37An ANC supporter who was beaten and teargassed by members of the SAP in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, on 27 July 1984, allegedly because he gave refuge to student protesters hiding from the police.References
MNIKATI, Elizabeth 62An IFP supporter who had her house burnt down by ANC supporters at Mshayazafe, Inanda, near KwaMashu, Durban, on 27 December 1989 in intensifying political conflict in the area.References
MNIKELI, Mbangi 19An ANC supporter who was assaulted by named and other members of the Ciskei Police at Zwelitsha, Ciskei, in June 1986, while being questioned about the identities people who had burnt down the house of a policeman.References
MNIKELO, Nompucuko Vinoria 29She had her house at Inanda, near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down by IFP supporters on 18 March 1993 in continuing political conflict in the area.References
MNIKINA, Monwabisi Michael 32A UDF supporter who was severely beaten by members of the SADF in East London in December 1987.References
MNISI, Bongiwe Princess 17An Inkatha supporter who had her house destroyed in an arson attack at Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, in November 1988, in intense conflict between UDF and Inkatha supporters in the area.References
MNISI, Clement Buti 15An ANCYL member who was shot in the face by members of the SAP on 3 June 1993 in Thandukukhanya, Piet Retief, Transvaal, during a commemoration ceremony for an ANC activist killed near the Swaziland border. Police opened fire on mourners without any provocation. Two people were killed and four were injured.References
MNISI, Derick 14Was severely beaten by members of the Bophuthatswana Police in Mabopane, Bophutha-tswana, while he and his friends were attending a funeral in June 1986.References
MNISI, IsaacWas shot by members of the ISU in Hammanskraal, Transvaal, on 11 March 1994.References
MNISI, Johannes (aka 'Victor Molefe')A senior MK Special Operations operative who survived at least two attempts on his life. In August 1985, SADF Special Forces planted a car bomb in a vehicle intended for him. The ensuing explosion in Gaborone, Botswana, injured and possibly killed an unknown number, but left Mr Mnisi unharmed. Mr Mnisi was one of several targets in a similar unsuccessful operation on 9 April 1987, which left three Batswanan citizens dead and at least three injured. Four Western Transvaal operatives, including the divisional commander, were granted amnesty for their role in the first attempt. Six Security Branch operatives, including the head of Security Branch Headquarters and the divisional commanders of Western and Northern Transvaal were granted amnesty for their role in the latter attempt. No members of Special Forces applied for amnesty for either operation (AC/2001/228 and AC/2000/214). References
MNISI, Joseph Besham 24An ANC supporter who was severely beaten by members of the KwaNdebele Police in May 1989 in KwaNdebele, because he was suspected of killing police officers and Imbokodo vigilantes during conflict over the proposed independence of KwaNdebele.References
MNISI, Labi 69An ANC supporter who was severely beaten by members of the SAP in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 26 June 1993 during a local water boycott. Mr Mnisi was known to be a political activitist.References
MNISI, Lucky Cliford 19An ANC supporter who was stabbed by members of the IFP-supporting Black Cats in July 1990 in Wesselton, Ermelo, Transvaal. References
MNISI, Lucky LawrenceWas killed by `comrades` in kaNyamazane, Nelspruit, Transvaal, on 15 June 1986. The `comrades` suspected him of being a police informer.References
MNISI, Mantsholo VictorWas shot in the wrist and chest by a named member of the SAP on 11 October 1978 in Siyathemba, Balfour, Transvaal, because he could not produce his Pass. On 7 July 1990, Mr Mnisi was shot and injured by a named councillor during a protest about sanitation when township residents emptied buckets used as toilets into the yards of local councillors.References
MNISI, Patrick 18An Alexandra Youth Congress member who was detained on 25 September 1988 and held for four months in solitary confinement in Krugersdorp prison, Transvaal. Mr Mnisi was tortured and interrogated by security forces from the declaration of the state of emergency in 1986 until he fled the country in 1990.References
MNISI, PeerSurvived a hand grenade attack by MK operatives on the home of an ANC member in KaNyamazane, Nelspruit, Transvaal, during the night of 10/11 November 1992. Five other occupants of the house also survived. Three MK operatives were granted amnesty for the attempted killings (AC/1997/0065, AC/1997/0066 and AC/1997/0067).References
MNISI, Wiseman Moferefere 9Was shot dead by members of the SAP on 3 September 1984 in Sebokeng, Transvaal, during conflict following a rent boycott during the Vaal uprising.References
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