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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter ML-MN

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MNTAMBO, Jabu Nomusa 41An ANC supporter who had her house in Bergville, Natal, burnt down on 26 December 1993 in political conflict between IFP and ANC supporters. Her son had been killed by the SAP ten days earlier, following an IFP-organised rally in the area.References
MNTAMBO, Jacob Mazinyo 37An ANC supporter who was shot dead on 20 June 1992 in Boipatong, Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, by members of the SAP after a rally at Boipatong stadium and a stayaway to protest against the Boipatong massacre of 17 June 1992. See Boipatong massacre. References
MNTAMBO, Jerome Mashalaze 31An ANC supporter who was shot dead by IFP supporters in Isipingo, Natal, on 13 July 1992 during political conflict in the area.References
MNTAMBO, Lina 57A UDF supporter who was burnt to death in an arson attack on her home in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 10 December 1988 in intensifying political conflict in the area. She had been involved in the Release Mandela Campaign.References
MNTAMBO, Makosi Mzikayise 22An ANC member who had his car set alight by unidentified persons at Nonzwakazi, De Aar, Cape, on 2 August 1990, allegedly because it was believed the car had been used during the petrol-bombing of the mayor`s parents` home.References
MNTAMBO, Nomasonto Harriette43Was attacked and severely assaulted in her home by named members of the SAP in Davel, Transvaal, during 1992. She was suspected of harbouring a known activist wanted by the police.References
MNTAMBO, Nomzamo Lillian 51An ANC supporter who had her home in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, set alight by Inkatha supporters during 1988 in growing political conflict in the area.References
MNTAMBO, Wiseman Siyabonga 20An ANC supporter who was hacked and stabbed to death by other ANC supporters in Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 6 October 1992 in a serious internal dispute and leadership struggle.References
MNTANZI, Phikelakhe Madlinyoka 31An ANC supporter who had his house burnt down by Inkatha supporters at Makhempini, KwaZulu, near Mandini, Natal, on 9 April 1990 in intensifying political conflict in the area.References
MNTU, Richard Thobile 21Was arrested in Mossel Bay, Cape, on 6 May 1986, and was severely tortured by named members of the SAP who accused him of burning a bus during unrest. After five weeks he was released on bail. In June 1986 he was detained under emergency regulations and held for nearly four months. See police brutality.References
MNTUNGWA, EdwardAn ANC branch chairperson who was shot dead in Zola, Soweto, Transvaal, on 17 May 1992. Mr Mntungwa had also experienced periods of detention under emergency regulations during the 1980s. See police brutality.References
MNTUNGWA, Fikile 37An Inkatha supporter who had his shack destroyed by ANC supporters in Mofolo, Soweto, Johannesburg, in May 1990.References
MNTUNGWA, Mlandeni 31An ANC supporter who was shot dead by IFP supporters in Ndaleni, Richmond, Natal, on 16 August 1991.References
MNTUNGWA, Mlungu Bhekamantungwa 49An ANC supporter who had his house at KwaMagoda, Richmond, Natal, burnt down by IFP supporters in January 1991.References
MNTUZE, Phinda Vincent 10Was shot by the mayor of Maokeng in Phomolong, Henneman, Orange Free State (OFS), in February 1986. He was reportedly playing outside with friends at the time of the shooting, and died on his way to hospital. On that day there had been a school protest involving clashes between students and police backed by members of the local council.References
MNTWANA, Winiswa Esther Winana 29An ANC supporter who lost her house when it was destroyed by ADM supporters during political conflict at Mlakalala in Zwelitsha, Ciskei, on 13 November 1993.References
MNWEBA, Wally Ntemi 49Was shot and injured by members of the SAP in KwaZamuxolo township, Noupoort, Cape, on 25 April 1985. He was addressing a meeting of schoolchildren and parents to demand the building of a new school when police opened fire on the crowd. Several people were injured.References
MNYAKA, Mazaba Mirriet 65An ANC supporter who had her house burnt down by IFP supporters in KwaSokhulu, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, in August 1992.References
MNYAKENI, AbsolomWas one of four people abducted from home and severely assaulted with sjamboks and iron bars by a large crowd of ANC supporters at a sports stadium in Daveyton, Tvl, on 21 March 1992. Mr Mnyakeni and another victim were then burnt to death as they were suspected of collaborating with police. One ANC member was granted amnesty (AC/2000/048).References
MNYAKENI, David Basani 31Was shot dead in his own yard on 13 December 1992 in Vosloorus, Tvl, during a rent boycott. A local councillor had been shot and his house burnt after a protest rally at the local stadium. A group of people fired randomly shot at residents in retaliation and Mr Mnyakeni was one of those shot during this retaliatory violence. References
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