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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MU-MZ

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MZOBOSHE, Stephen Douglas 43An ANC member who was severely assaulted by named members of the SAP in March 1964 at his house in New Brighton, Port Elizabeth.References
MZOLA, Sizakele 10Was shot and severely injured by a named Administration Board employee in Mossel Bay, Cape, on 10 February 1986. The shooting left Sizakele physically and mentally disabled.References
MZOLISA, Andile Cecil 10Was shot and injured by a named member of the SAP in June 1985 while he was participating in a youth parade in Graaff-Reinet, Cape. Andile was charged with public violence but the charges were later withdrawn.References
MZOLISA, GeorgeA Poqo member who died in police custody at Fort Glamorgan prison, East London, on 17 July 1963. He had been arrested for his political activities, and while in prison, subjected to severe beatings and torture.References
MZOLISA, Mamfengu Leonard 44A PAC supporter who was arrested by members of the Security Branch in East London on 27 November 1962, for being involved in the anti-Pass Law campaign. He spent two years in prison in East London, and in 1964 was arrested again in Cape Town and sentenced to five years` imprisonment on Robben Island for allegedly attempting to overthrow white domination.References
MZOLISA, Nokoleji Agrinett 41A Poqo member who was arrested in East London in December 1962, and sentenced to one year`s imprisonment because of her involvement in PAC activities.References
MZOLISA, Nozamile Telia 41A PAC supporter who was arrested during a crackdown on PAC/Poqo supporters in March 1963 and sentenced to one year`s imprisonment at East London for her political activities. While in prison, she was subjected to severe beatings and torture.References
MZOLO, AndileAn ANC supporter who disappeared from his house in Edendale, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, when it was attacked by alleged Inkatha members on 17 November 1987. The family was threathened because of the members` political affiliation.References
MZOLO, Bengazi Toto 31Was severely beaten by members of the Bophuthatswana Police in Mmabatho, Bophuthatswana, on 4 July 1989. Mr Mzolo, a herbalist, was accused of supplying muti to a youth suspected of killing nine soldiers in the area.References
MZOLO, Bhekani SimonWas shot dead by named IFP supporters in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, in June 1991 in ongoing conflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the area.References
MZOLO, Daniel 40A UDF supporter who was abducted and killed in Dube, Soweto, Johannesburg, on 5 August 1986 during conflict in the area between UDF and AZAPO supporters.References
MZOLO, Hawukile Euginia 27An ANC supporter who had her home burnt down by a named Inkatha supporter in Edendale, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, on 17 November 1987.References
MZOLO, Mabel 37She lost her house in Dube, Soweto, Johannesburg, in a petrol bomb attack on 5 August 1986 because of her husband`s union activities.References
MZOLO, Mbuso 17A UDF supporter who was shot dead by an Inkatha supporter in Nhlalakahle, Greytown, Natal, on 28 January 1989. His brother and his father, a prominent ANC leader, were also killed in the course of political violence in the area.References
MZOLO, Mthandeni Caiphus 26An ANC supporter who died in hospital after being ambushed and shot in Nhlalakahle, Greytown, Natal, on 15 January 1994. His brother and his father, a prominent ANC leader, were also killed in the course of political violence in the area.References
MZOLO, Ndoda 49An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death by a named IFP supporter in New Hanover, near Pietermaritzburg, on 2 November 1991.References
MZOLO, Ngenzeni Annie 51She had her home in Nhlalakahle, Greytown, Natal, burnt down by Inkatha supporters in 1989 in intensifying political conflict between Inkatha and UDF supporters in the area. Ms Mzolo`s husband, a local UDF chairperson, and their two sons were all killed in the course of political violence in the area.References
MZOLO, Nomonde 24An ANC supporter who was stabbed and severely injured by a named Inkatha supporter in Edendale, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, on 17 November 1987.References
MZOLO, Saleleni Mirriam 53An Inkatha supporter who had her home at Richmond Farm, near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down by ANC supporters on 12 February 1990 in intense political conflict in the area. See Richmond Farm arson attacks.References
MZOLO, SimonWas stabbed to death by Inkatha supporters in Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, in August 1987 in intensifying political conflict. Mr Mzolo had allegedly refused to attend Inkatha meetings during an Inkatha recruitment drive in the area.References
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