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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter NG

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NGUBO, XolaniWas one of three men stabbed to death by ANC supporters and residents of the Bottlebrush informal settlement, Chatsworth, Durban, in ongoing political conflict on 26 December 1993. Three ANC supporters were granted amnesty (AC/1998/0059). References
NGUBO, Ziyalile Baqiphile50An ANC supporter who had her home burnt down by fellow ANC supporters during serious internal conflict at Woodyglen, Mpuma-langa, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 1 January 1987. References
NGUDLE, Looksmart KhulileAn ANC member who allegedly hanged himself while in detention in Pretoria, on 5 September 1963. He was the first detainee to die under the 1963 Detention Law. Mr Ngudle was allegedly responsible for recruiting MK members for military training outside South Africa, was directly linked with the MK High Command in Johannesburg and was cited as a fellow conspirator in the Rivonia Trial. References
NGUDLE, Looksmart Khulile An ANC member who allegedly hanged himself while in detention in Pretoria, on 5 September 1963. He was the first detainee to die under the 1963 Detention Law. Mr Ngudle was allegedly responsible for recruiting MK members for military training outside South Africa, was directly linked with the MK High Command in Johannesburg and was cited as a fellow conspirator in the Rivonia Trial.References
NGUNA, Andile Nobleman 27A UDF supporter who was shot in the leg by a named member of the SAP on 14 July 1985 in Queenstown, Cape, allegedly while he was throwing stones at the perpetrator’s house with others. He was arrested and sentenced to four years’ imprisonment.References
NGUSE, Roslina Nozihlabo44She had her house burnt down by Inkatha supporters in Mshayazafe, Inanda, near KwaMashu, Durban, on 1 June 1989 in intensifying political conflict. References
NGUTSHANE, Madoda23Was shot dead by IFP supporters at Selby hostel in Johannesburg, on 21 July 1992. Hostel-dwellers were allegedly coerced into joining the IFP when Inkatha launched itself as a political party in 1990. Cordial relations between hostel-dwellers were replaced with increasing conflict based on ethnicity, residential area and political affiliation. References
NGUZO, Kadefunwa27An ANC supporter who was beaten by police on his arrest in Robertson, Cape, in November 1985. On 18 June 1986 he was again beaten by police and detained for three months. References
NGWABE, Nonhlanzeko Maggie Hlomuka65She had her house at Richmond Farm, near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down by ANC supporters on 11 February 1990. See Richmond Farm arson attacks. References
NGWAMBA, Musa15Was shot by a named perpetrator in the eMijindini Community Hall, Barberton, Tvl, during a celebration of the Freedom Charter on 26 June 1990 References
NGWANANG, MoffatWas severely beaten in Lebaleng, Makwassie, Tvl, in November 1991. References
NGWANDI, Lucky BrianWas shot dead in Tembisa, Transvaal, on 31 July 1993. References
NGWANE, Andile Isaac16Was shot and injured by members of the SAP in Mbekweni, Paarl, Cape, in 1985. He was unconscious for seven days and was hopitalised for three months as a result of his injuries. References
NGWANE, Babo Michael36An ANC supporter who had his house burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks. References
NGWANE, Bathobile44An ANC supporter who had her house at Esimozomeni, Richmond, Natal, burnt down by IFP supporters, who also stole her livestock and furniture, in December 1991. References
NGWANE, Bongani Michael39An ANC supporter who was assaulted without provacation at KwaMashu, Durban, by members of the SADF 32 Batallion on 5 January 1990, allegedly because he was found in an area where a killing had taken place. References
NGWANE, BoyiAn ANC supporter who was killed in unknown circumstances, allegedly by an Inkatha hit squad, in Port Shepstone, Natal, in April 1990. References
NGWANE, Busisiwe Reginah32She had her house burnt down by IFP supporters during intense political conflict at Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 20 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks. References
NGWANE, Dolly TholakeleAn ANC supporter who was killed in unknown circumstances, allegedly by an Inkatha hit squad in Mahwaqa, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 24 March 1990. References
NGWANE, Giphet Khulekani31An ANC supporter who had his home burnt down by IFP supporters at Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, in April 1993. References
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