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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter NG

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NGWANE, Joseph51Was stabbed to death by a named Inkatha supporter in Umzumbe, near Port Shepstone, Natal, during intensifying political conflict in the area on 12 February 1983. References
NGWANE, Mathuli 11Was stabbed and severely injured when Inkatha supporters attacked his parents’ home in Umzumbe, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 1 January 1984 in intensifying conflict between UDF and Inkatha supporters. Three other family members were severely injured in the attack, and one was killed.References
NGWANE, Mhlengi Was stabbed and severely injured when Inkatha supporters attacked her parents’ home in Umzumbe, near Port Shepstone, Natal, in intensifying political conflict on 1 January 1984. Three other family members were severely injured in the attack, and one was killed.References
NGWANE, Muntu28Was shot dead by unidentified gunmen wearing balaclavas, allegedly members of the KwaZulu Police, who opened fire on people drinking at a tavern in Esikhawini, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, on 11 August 1992. References
NGWANE, Ngibonisele Nethwell30A member of the SAP who was shot dead by ANC supporters in Hibberdene, Natal, on 27 December 1991. References
NGWANE, Nonhlanhla 16Was stabbed and severely injured when Inkatha supporters attacked her parents’ home in Umzumbe, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 1 January 1984 in intensifying political conflict in the area. Three other family members were severely injured in the attack, and one was killed.References
NGWANE, Sibusiso Abraham23An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by KwaZulu Police and IFP supporters outside the family store at Groutville, Stanger, Natal, on 14 January 1994, following a dispute between ANC and IFP supporters. References
NGWANE, Sizakele Gertrude47Was stabbed and severely injured when Inkatha supporters attacked her home in Umzumbe, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 1 January 1984 in intensifying political conflict in the area. Three other family members were severely injured in the attack, and one was killed. References
NGWANE, SqomuWas stabbed to death by Inkatha supporters in Umzumbe, near Port Shepstone, Natal, in intensifying political conflict in the area in 1984. References
NGWANE, Thembalipheli Goodman37He had his car and home destroyed by unidentified persons, allegedly members of the SAP co-operating with Inkatha supporters in Ezimbokodweni, Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, in intensifying political conflict in January 1986. References
NGWANE, Themninkosi Killer25Was shot and wounded when ANC security guards opened fire from the ANC headquarters at Shell House, Johannesburg, on a crowd of IFP marchers, on 28 March 1994. At least nine marchers were killed and around 100 injured. Ten ANC security guards were granted amnesty (AC/2000/142). References
NGWANE, Vimbekile Matilda44She had her house burnt down by IFP supporters at Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, in April 1993 in intensifying political conflict in the area. References
NGWANE, Zibukele 3Was stabbed to death when Inkatha supporters attacked his parents’ home in Umzumbe, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 1 January 1984 in intensifying political conflict in the area. Four other family members were severely injured in the attack.References
NGWANE/KHANYILE, Dennis Bonginkosi21A UDF supporter who had his house burnt down during intensifying conflict between UDF and Inkatha supporters at Inchanga, Natal, on 11 December 1988. References
NGWANQA, Xola16A PAC supporter who was killed by UDF supporters on 16 November 1987 during political conflict in Uitenhage, Cape. References
NGWANYA, Constance38She had her house in Kwa-Mashu, Durban, burnt down by UDF supporters on 15 August 1989, in intensifying conflict between UDF and Inkatha supporters. The attackers were allegedly looking for her brother, who had gone into hiding. References
NGWAPE, Gideon Legothi76An ANC supporter who was threatened with his life, his cattle were stolen and his house was burnt down in Kgomo, near Pietersburg, Tvl, in April 1990 during political conflict in the area. References
NGWAQA, MxolisiWas shot dead on 29 July 1986 when an MK unit attacked the Madeira police station, in Umtata, Transkei. At least eight people were killed in the attack, including policemen, civilians and one of the MK operatives. One MK operative applied for and was granted amnesty (AC/2000/240)  References
NGWAZI, BalungileAn IFP supporter who was shot and injured, allegedly by ANC members, at Nyangwini, Port Shepstone, Natal, on 4 September 1992. See Nyangwini attack. References
NGWAZI, Florah Khusi32An ANC supporter who lost her house at Nkulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, in an arson attack by Inkatha supporters in April 1990, allegedly because of her political affiliation. References
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