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PALM, (first name not given)Age Description ... MOTAUNG: They never had any interference in our work. MR MHLABA: Then why were they attacked Mr Motaung, can you just recap on that, because it is not very clear? MR MOTA U N G: Patricia Motshwene and Gladness Mvelase were members of the IFP, we saw them at the funeral of the IFP and we at the ... interim constitution on the 3rd of December? Is there any reason, sensible reason, why you had to still continue with something like that? Could you not think for yourself? (Cape Town hearing, 27 October 1997.) 146. Gqomfa replied that he thought that Cornelius had been indoctrinated in a way ... ... many cases, however, detainees were eventually released after lengthy spells in detention without having been charged. 161 It is also important to note the modus operandi of the Nduli and Ndlovu detentions – abduction from Swaziland and interrogation at a police camp rather than a formal ... ... Thokozani PHILI, Woyi Richard PAULSEN, Lionel PHAKATHI, Thule PHILLIP, Fikile PAVEL, Vuluev PHAKATHU, Gqiba PHILLIP, Lenard PAYI, Bukelwa Notargane PHAKATI, Philemon PHILLIPS, Faizel PAYI, Clarence Lucky PHAKATI, Prince Simangaliso PHILLIPS, Lance Henry PAYI, Nomathamsanqa Ethel ... ... wished to implicate Mr Ntsebeza in serious criminal conduct. The enquiry cleared Mr Ntsebeza of all allegations, but criticised the Commission for not calling for an independent inquiry when the allegations first surfaced.63 Other PAC or APLA-linked attacks 419 The unit involved in the ... ... in which weapons were often seized. Secondly, there was a relatively small number of armed attacks on public places in urban areas, usually but not always frequented by white civilians. 463 APLA attacks increased during 1993, after APLA’s chief commander Sabelo Phama declared 1993 ‘The ... ... from exile and faced strong pressure to initiate and train SDUs. Such MK operatives were unlikely to be high-level ANC personnel. 165. Some – notably the Tokoza SDUs and some of the KwaZulu and Natal SDUs – worked closely with the ANC’s political structures. Regular meetings and liaison ... ... and six people injured when two APLA operatives opened fire on patrons in the Heidelberg Tavern in Observatory in Cape Town on 31 December 1993. Another person was killed and one injured when the attackers fired on two people outside a neighbouring restaurant as they were making their ... ... The applicants testified that they had no prior knowledge of the operation until they actually arrived at the c h u rch. Although the target was not disclosed, the unit prepared for the attack during the week before it took place. Mkhumbuzi was instructed to travel to the Transkei to procure ... ... and momentum of their own and were unlikely to conform to the discipline of ANC policy or wait for orders or approval . MR MSIMANGO: … we did not plan as such. We would react to what will be happening at the time. We will not sit down and plan the attack but we will just revenge as it ... ... involvement in the 1976 Soweto uprising. During his torture, a policeman placed a sharp knife on his head and gently beat the knife down with the palm of his hand. He was also forced to lie on ice, and was placed in a sack and spun around in the air. With his hands and feet shackled to a stick, ... |