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Was injured when a limpet mine planted by MK operatives exploded during lunchtime at the Wimpy restaurant in Benoni, Transvaal, on 30 July 1988. One woman was killed and at least sixty six people were injured. Four MK operatives were granted amnesty for the planning and execution of the attack (AC/1999/0294).

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... however should have commenced much earlier, proceeded much more quickly and been achieved much more consistently. Without a shadow of doubt all white South Africans fared very much better than their black compatriots throughout the apartheid decades. So all white South Africans were ...
... young South African, fanatically into sport: rugby, soccer, cricket, motor racing the lot. And I knew how vital sport was to the maintenance of the white South African psyche and mystique and morale. And so what I came up with as a young political activist getting involved in the whole exciting ...
They then asked me why are you sleeping with a white Reverend? I then asked him, how do you mean, can you please elaborate your question? How it comes for you to allow you to have sex with a Reverend, a white Reverend? I said no, it didn’t happen to me. I know nothing about that.
... a unit with an excellent record of solving crimes has never come up with even a strong lead let alone a murderer. It was rare for the killer of a white person in a white neighbourhood in 1978 not to be apprehended. Even more unusual when the victim was under surveillance, as we know my father ...
... the residents against any threats. You were there to protect, not to attack, not to kill. // It was necessary because at that time we regarded the white people as our enemies. // Do you remember the evidence that was led at the trial? // Yes, I do remember. // A red bakkie cut off the white ...
... before, I didn’t know that we were going to attack a church. I didn’t know that the target was a church, but I felt as I’ve said before the whites were also using churches to oppress the blacks. They took our country using churches and bibles as we are reading the history, we as the ...
Sophiatown happened almost by accident. The owner of the farm Waterval, H Tobianski planned a private lease hold township for low income whites. He named the area after his wife, Sophia, but he failed to attract buyers to the area or white buyers anyway. Sophiatown became an area where black people ...
There is an expectation, rightly or wrongly, that accusations or allegations are going to be made against white persons and white government and that may cause people to feel that they will be uncomfortable sitting out there, even if they themselves, particularly had nothing to do with gross human ...
... fired three shots at me. As he pointed the gun at me I saw his hand. They were all wearing balaclavas, so I saw his hand and it was definitely a white man or white person. When this car had sped past me, I then ran back home with the intention of telling my parents that some thieves had just ...
... neighbour, witnessed from a window how Sunnyboy and his friend came running to hide in a backyard and his subsequent killing by police. // We saw a white man; he stood next to the bathroom, the bathroom of no 47. I stay at no 48. This white man shot with something. We saw him dragging two of the ...
With their greatest battles behind them the war was not yet over. When the number of black students increased the white parents withdrew their children. They ran back to enjoy the privileges of apartheid, because I don’t care who we are, we had a period where all the whites enjoyed the privileges ...
It’s unfortunate when you look into the attendance here, that the majority of the white people, and our brothers and sisters, are not here as South Africans. What would close the chapter of our own country, of our own past, and they are part of that history. // We are not out to blame and white ...
... violence you’re attempting to give an explanation of the causes, but it’s as useful as explaining the causes of the Serbian Bosnian conflict as white on white ...
These white men were angry, they were really frightening and they said Mr. Godolozi should be fetched from the cell; he should be brought to the stoep. They brought him, his hands were cuffed and his legs were also cuffed. His face was covered. He was screaming when he went out, saying he was not ...
Joining me now are three of the white students who admit in one form or another to being part of that ugliness in Little Rock. This is Ann Burleson as she appeared… in ’57 she was chanting the words ‘2, 4, 6, 8 we don’t want to integrate’ and Anne says she is now ashamed of that school ...
... his arms and he was talking in Xhosa saying that he’ll take us to where the rest of the group is. One sergeant from the riot unit, he was a white sergeant, said I should shoot this man. And before I shot this man, as he was raising his arms I saw his firearm, and therefore we disarmed ...
and we took the children back. And as we took them back, as we drove into the mission at the crossroads there that’s where we met Ntombela and two white policemen. Ntombela heavily armed with ammunition belts and everything, two white policemen who said nothing, and we just explained to them ...
... and hanged for the offence. Five people died in the blast, among them Cornelius Smit. He was eight years old. At the time his father shocked many white South Africans by what he said. // I told the newspapers that I thought my son was a hero because he died for freedom for people that were ...
I don’t know where he emanated from. It was a black man. He was being called by the white man. He lifted his hands up in the air and they took a gun from his waist. They snapped the gun out of his waist. Immediately after that a white man from NY1 just above the restaurants called out saying ...
... o’clock early in the morning and that helped us again, because no one got injured. My unit was also involved in Durban North in Durban, that is a white suburb, because by then we were taking the struggle to the white cities. The whites obviously were going to get involved if the mines are ...
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