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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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‘Ladybrand Town Hall’ // When he arrives at the Town Hall, Lyster who’s to chair the proceedings, makes a quick count of the witnesses and the hearing gets underway. // Good day Mr. Mfazwe. // Good day. // Mister Ivan Lax will help you take an oath before we start with your story. // Do you ...
Hello. Welcome to the Special Report. Tonight we deal with the bloody conflict in KTC Crossroads in 1987, the vicious APLA attack on an Eastern Cape hotel in 1992 and the death of 11 commuters during the 1983 Mdansane bus boycott. But we start in the Cape Peninsula. The dreaded pass book had always ...
In dealing with the unconventional strategies from the side of the government, I want to make it clear from the outset that within my knowledge and experience they never included the authorisation of assassination, murder, torture, rape, assault or the like. // Where does political accountability ...
I don’t know, I told you just now I don’t know nothing about it. The first I know about it is when these people, a month ago, two months … two months ago they were on the farm and they asked permission to come and have a look if there are new graves, or whatever. That’s all.
There’s the one question of extradition, and I think that the chair person is absolutely right, we start with our own minister he will then say to us, well we haven’t been asked. So, then we will go back to Namibia and say, well, why haven’t you asked? But, there is a second point and that ...
I would like the people who are in prison to be released because it is not their offence. They weren’t responsible. When we got there, the petitions were handed over, the first petition, the second petition, and the third petition. When it was time to hand over the third petition then there was a ...
... we’ve come from that I think that if we had to reverse the roles and would have asked members of the former organisations like the ANC to come forward during the era when Minister De Klerk was in power, none of the ANC people would have come forward to come and ask the then National Party. And ...
It was a fluent kind of living, vibrant community and I think longing for the kind of freedom that hopefully we’re getting into now, that’s what made it such a magical place and I think it will always hold a place in the imaginations of the people that lived through it and maybe those who ...
How did you think by killing these four gentlemen it would serve the interest of the Republic of South Africa? // Along with the instruction that I received Mr Chairman I was convinced at the time the elimination of these people would bring about stability in the area. It was not my decision but I ...
Although she denies all knowledge of the assassination plan Derby-Lewis told the Amnesty Committee that she believed it was politically inspired. This is what she told the police during her interrogation in 1993. // We had minimal contact with the right in terms of being involved with them. I ...
... some of PW’s memorabilia, anything of PW in that Museum, it needs to be contextualized. For instance, if you walk into that Museum, he’s got awards from the president of Chili and Savimbi, an AK47. You know, it is totally ridiculous. What we need to say is who are these leaders that gave ...
When they see, even at a bus stop, when they see black people in a queue, they quickly surround them; arrest them, those who have got no passes. Everywhere! Even going to church, on Sunday, going to church, they stop them from going to church. They ask your pass. If you leave your pass you are ...
I was a member of the Afrikaner Broederbond from 1940 until 1963 and I’ve got to be in all fairness and honesty, I’ve got to say I regarded it as a tremendous privilege, I regarded it as, yes let me say ‘a calling of God,’ a mission to promote the cause of the Afrikaner people.
I was in the field with my animals, with the cows under a tree. While I was sitting there relaxing, and the cows were grazing, I just saw something like a car and when I looked at it I saw a group of people. I started to run away. I tried to, but they beat me and the others were screaming at me, ...
... to members from National Intelligence, Military Intelligence, as well as the other intelligence agencies and nobody seems to be able to come forward with any shred of evidence. We are investigating this case as a murder case, be it KwaZulu police involvement, the KwaZulu government ...
The whole thing to us was a conspiracy. It was something that was planned somewhere that my brother must be executed because hence at the end of the day when they completed that mission of killing him they wrote on the board in the Daveyton police station that ‘Caiphus Nyoka, 999 Lember street ...
The late eighties and early nineties were bloody years in KwaZulu-Natal. South Africans became almost immune to daily bulletins of massacres and running battles in especially the KwaZulu-Natal midlands. Our next report looks at the people affected by this turmoil and how they face the future.
They killed a lot of askaris; more than six askaris were killed, because in their own language they said these people have out used their usefulness. They have outlived their usefulness. In other words they were not productive and the only way for one to be productive at Vlakplaas is to kill ...
Most of the evidence brought to the Truth Commission in the last 11 months concerned human rights violations in the 1980s. But resistance to white minority rule started many decades ago and we as South Africans should remember the early struggles of our people. That is what the Truth Commission’s ...
I think those who have done this to our brothers are the people at five rank, those mercenaries, soldiers from outside countries who were brought in here to harass us as citizens of this country. And you know, just to kill so that we must surrender.
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