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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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‘The Swazi people have insured that the diamond jubilee is going to be something to remember’ // On TV most things about the year 1981 appeared hunky-dory. // ‘The problems of being overweight are experienced not only by man. The world’s biggest puff adder in captivity has just heard that ...
Mister Mitchell, are you now desirous of making amends? // Yes I am. Although it may be impossible to do it, but I am desirous of that. // You’ve become a Christian and understand the value of forgiveness. Will you let us have your thoughts on that? // Yes I understand that forgiveness does not ...
people sitting on the second, third and fourth row. And so if you don’t do it today I think Brigadier you will be losing a wonderful opportunity toward reaching out to your people. // Please forgive me. I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness under the circumstances. I will not be ...
During the eighties townships under siege hit back in more ways than one. Underground defence units were formed. The armed struggle was taking route inside the country. In 1990 State President FW de Klerk unbanned the liberation movements and released their leaders. But instead of peace and ...
Can I ask a quick question to Dr Fazel Randera. You’re working on the ground in Gauteng, so you should get the feeling from the people. There’s been a lot of criticism, especially from the National Party, that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is not contributing to reconciliation, it’s ...
These people wanted to know is it a male or a female that you are carrying, the child. But before they could see that it’s a boy they pulled this child by the foot and they hit this child against the wall and he cracked his skull.
Before we go let’s look at a few other developments the last week. We have been confronted by a lot of evil deeds while reporting on the Truth Commission the last year. Sometimes one tries to understand the mindset of the perpetrators caught in the conflict between repression and liberation. But ...
Hopefully we are rid of that problem forever. In July 1985 the minister of police declared a state of emergency. The police and the military were given extraordinary powers to quail the rage that was bursting out of the black communities all over South Africa. But people refused to be put down. By ...
There is something we do not understand. We need to know who it was who pulled that trigger. We know that the events of that night are known to the people who watched us. // It seems to me more than strange that the Durban murder and robbery unit, a unit with an excellent record of solving crimes ...
There were strong men but at night people cry. When you ask them why are you crying they said I was dreaming I’m on my way to the death row.
A lot of the evidence I have listened to at the Truth Commission hearings were really heartbreaking. But when the testimony is about the human rights violations of children, it is more than disturbing. The Truth Commission recently held special children’s hearings in East London and Bloemfontein. ...
I didn’t see anything. I cannot explain what happened … during the shooting, but it lasted about 7 to 8 minutes, the shooting going on. When I stood up the only thing that I heard my sister saying ‘please come and phone most of the people are injured outside here.’ People who knew him ...
In October 1990 three men belonging to the right wing Orde Boerevolk attacked a bus of black commuters. Seven people were killed and 27 injured in this racially motivated attack. Piet Botha, Adriaan Smuts and Eugene Marais had executed the attack. They wanted to kill black people in revenge for an ...
We have seen very few former politicians, generals and foot soldiers expressing genuine regret for the evils of the past. The apologies we have heard so far mostly went along the lines of, if we hurt people, we are sorry, but we didn’t mean it. Adriaan Vlok and Pik Botha also expressed regret.
And yet many of the files do remain. // It’s very difficult for any bureaucracy the size of the South African state to ensure that every copy of every document is destroyed. There is also evidence of certain people who just chose not to destroy documents, that’s all. They just didn’t do it. ...
On Tuesday morning the TRC led an emotional return to the scene of the shooting. // There should never be a repetition of an act such as this one. So we asked you to pour your holy spirit upon the hearts of your people. // ‘Doreen Rousseau, wounded and crippled.’ // … Do not yield by running ...
One of the stories that I heard is that when these people were taken to Ulundi they were found to be weak, they were asked to go back to Wesselton, to kill women, to come back with their private parts, to be used as muti. It’s then that for the first time the local police told us to stop calling ...
On the 25th of July 1993 four gunmen burst into the St James Church in Kenilworth and opened fire on the congregation gathered for the evening service. The attack left 11 people dead and more than 50 wounded. This week the man who gave the order for the attack, Letlapa Mphahlele, met one of those ...
August 1985 is etched deep in the memories of hundreds of people from the Cape Flats. The United Democratic Front was growing in strength and the levels of repression with it. On the 28th of August thousands of people joined a march to Pollsmoor prison to demand the release of Nelson Mandela. For ...
... those people whom he killed, it was IFP members. That’s when I shot him. // After he had been shot I felt relieved. I had made my contribution towards fighting the ANC which was our enemy and trying to stop it in its objectives. // The Amnesty Committee was told of their reasons for killing ...
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