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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MC-MD

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MCELU, Morris Mzimkhulu 20A COSAS member who was shot and injured by named members of the SAP at Mlungisi, Queenstown, Cape, on 19 November 1985. Two days earlier, police and residents had clashed at a meeting at the Nonzwakazi Methodist Church.References
MCERWA, Ndumiso 15An AZASM member who was shot and injured by a UDF-aligned SASCO member in Soweto, Johannesburg, in March 1986. UDF and AZASM supporters clashed violently in a number of Transvaal townships in the mid to late 1980s.References
MCETYWA, Harriet Jabulile 34She had her home damaged in an arson attack by IFP supporters and other named perpetrators in Pongola, Transvaal, in 1993.References
MCGLUWA, Patric WilliamA BCM member who was arrested on 14 February 1975 and held at John Vorster Square, Johannesburg, where he was beaten and intimidated by named members of the Security Branch to try and force him to testify against Trevor Bloem, charged under the Terrorism and Suppression of Communism Acts. Mr Mcgluwa and another were suspected of being co-conspirators in attempting to discourage participation in the CRC and were sentenced to a year`s imprisonment for refusing to testify.References
McGOSH, Samuel Navarro 22A founder member of AZAPO who was tortured in detention in Johannesburg, in 1976. He was arrested for being a member of AFRO, an anti-collaborationist front.References
MCHIZWA, Phungula 55An ANC member who was detained and severely beaten by members of the SAP in 1960 in Bizana, Transkei, during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
MCHOLWA, Mthingwevu Lizethile 29An ANC member in Engcobo, Transkei, who was killed in an attack by SADF Special Forces operatives on several ANC houses and a block of flats in Maseru, Lesotho, on 9 December 1982. Thirty South Africans and twelve citizens of Lesotho were killed in the midnight attack.References
MCHUNU, Andrinah Malithi 26An ANC supporter who had her house destroyed in an arson attack by Inkatha supporters in Pietermaritzburg, on 26 March 1990, during the Seven Day War. References
MCHUNU, Baphindile 47An ANC supporter who had her house at Engonyameni, near Umlazi, Durban, burnt down by Inkatha supporters in December 1989 in intensifying political conflict in the area.References
MCHUNU, Batembile 49An ANC supporter who had her house in Chimora, Umlazi, Durban, burnt down by IFP supporters on 16 January 1992 in intense political conflict in the area. See Chimora Settlement attacks.References
MCHUNU, Bheki JosephWas severely assaulted by members of KwaZulu Police at Inchanga, Natal, in 1989. The police claimed that he was in possession of illegal firearms.References
MCHUNU, Bhekumuzi Moses 36An ANC supporter who was shot and severely injured by IFP supporters in Wembezi, KwaZulu, near Estcourt, Natal, on 27 September 1991.References
MCHUNU, Bhekuyise PhillipA UDF supporter who was killed by a named member of the SAP in Pietermaritz-burg on 7 January 1990, allegedly because of his active political involvement.References
MCHUNU, DeliWas shot and injured by Inkatha supporters at Nhlalakahle, Greytown, Natal, on 17 January 1988. The perpetrators were allegedly looking for another occupant of the house, whom they suspected of being a UDF supporter.References
MCHUNU, Dumisani 36Was severely stabbed and beaten by named IFP supporters in Empangeni, Natal, on 12 March 1991. She was suspected of being an ANC supporter.References
MCHUNU, Elizabeth Ntombifuthi 24An IFP supporter who was shot and injured in Wembezi, KwaZulu, near Estcourt, Natal, on 4 September 1993, when ANC supporters ambushed the taxi in which she was travelling.References
MCHUNU, ElsieAn ANC supporter who disappeared when IFP supporters attacked her home in Pieter-maritzburg in March 1990. She has not been seen since and is presumed dead.References
MCHUNU, Flemina 44Was shot and injured by named members of the SAP at Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal, on 16 June 1990, when the police opened fire on mourners after the funeral of a youth who died of natural causes.References
MCHUNU, Funani MariaAn ANC supporter who had her house destroyed in an arson attack by IFP supporters at Esimozomeni, Richmond, Natal, in 1990.References
MCHUNU, Goodwill BhekiWas shot dead in Umlazi, Durban, on 5 September 1992 in ongoing conflict between the ANC and IFP.References
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