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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter SJ-SZ

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SOLLY, Mano OlifileHe lost his home in a bomb explosion in Letsopa, Ottosdal, Tvl, on 4 February 1994. The bomb, planted by AWB members and aimed at the local ANC office, was part of an attempt by right-wing parties to derail the first democratic election of 27 April 1994. References
SOLOMON, Alfred Thembisile 27Was detained on 24 April 1985 in Molteno, Cape, during school boycotts in the area. In detention he was tortured. He was later sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment on a charge of public violence.References
SOLOMON, ArnoldWas detained by members of the Security Branch during political conflict in Uitenhage, Cape, on 28 February 1985. Charges of assault, public violence and malicious damage to property were laid against him, but withdrawn two months later. References
SOLOMON, Meshack Tekoetsile20An ANC supporter who was detained, tortured and beaten by members of the Bophuthatswana Police on 16 October 1992 in Kuruman, Cape. References
SOLOMON, Phakamile Nicholas51Was shot dead by members of the SAP in Langa, Uitenhage, Cape, on 21 March 1985 when police opened fire on mourners marching to a funeral. At least 20 people were killed and many injured in the shooting. See Langa shootings. References
SOLOMON, Theo Simon 21A UDF supporter who was shot in the hand and arrested on 16 June 1984 when police attacked a commemoration of the Soweto uprising in Graaff-Reinet, Cape. He was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for public violence.References
SOLOMONS, Desmond Robert31A sergeant in the ISU who suffered injuries when he and twelve other policemen were attacked by ANC self-defence unit (SDU) members whilst on foot patrol in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, on 22 July 1992. Six policemen were injured in the exchange of fire. Two SDU members were granted amnesty (AC/1997/0029). References
SOLONTSI, Henry Linda 23Was detained under Section 6 of the Terrorism Act on 2 January 1977 after being beaten unconscious by members of the SADF in Port Elizabeth. Mr Solontsi was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for public violence and incitement, and was tortured and assaulted by prison warders and common law prisoners at St Alban’s prison, Port Elizabeth.References
SOLWANDLE, December 30A UDF supporter who burnt to death when he was ‘necklaced’ in Port Alfred, Cape, on 16 June 1986. He was allegedly believed to be an informer because of his friendship with a local policeman.References
SOLWANDLE, Mongameli Godfrey15A COSAS member who was severely injured when he was shot with pellets by members of the SAP in Port Elizabeth, in October 1985. Mongameli was on his way to the shops when he was shot References
SOMANA, William Zotusile63An ANC supporter who lost his home and belongings in an arson attack during political conflict in Crossroads, Cape Town, in March 1992. References
SOMANA, Wiwi41Was severely beaten by IFP supporters in Vryheid, Natal, on 18 October 1990, during conflict between UWUSA and COSATU at the Hlobane mine. Mr Somana was Xhosa-speaking and was therefore assumed to be a COSATU member. References
SOMDIZELA, Mandlenkosi 39He had his home in Bhambayi, near KwaMashu, Durban, destroyed in an arson attack by IFP supporters on 16 February 1993 in ongoing political conflict between the ‘Red’ and ‘Green’ factions.References
SOMFULA, Moses NdadeWas shot and injured when police opened fire on a student protest march at Viljoenskroon, OFS, on 19 April 1990. Five protesters were killed and six others injured in the shooting. References
SOMTSEWU, MondeA UDF supporter who was killed during political conflict in Uitenhage, Cape, on 23 March 1985. His body was found by police two months later. References
SOMXO, Tutu48An ANC supporter who was shot and injured, allegedly by members of the ISU, in Tokoza, Tvl, on 18 August 1990. On 23 May 1993, he was again shot and injured, allegedly by members of the SADF. References
SONAMZI, Goli33A PAC member who was executed in Pretoria Central prison, Pretoria, in 1963 for his involvement in the assassination of a headman in Cofimvaba, Transkei, during conflict in the area over Pass Laws and self-governance. References
SONAMZI, Ncamisili Stanley 27A UDF supporter who was arrested in Hanover, Cape, in August 1985, and severely tortured by named members of the Security Branch. He was then detained for two months at Middelburg and Richmond prisons, Cape. During 1986 he survived an attack by UDF ‘comrades’ who stabbed him and attempted to ‘necklace’ him after he was accused of being an informer.References
SONDARA, MosesWas shot dead by members of the SAP during protests in Old Location, near Dordrecht, Cape, on 13 August 1985. References
SONDEZI, Busisiwe Gladness25She had her home destroyed in an arson attack by ANC supporters during political conflict in Malukazi, KwaZulu, near Umlazi, Durban, on 25 April 1990. She was allegedly believed to be an informer because her friend was involved with a KwaZulu Police officer. References
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