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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter SJ-SZ

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SOTSU, Ernest Ngxokolo 63Sotsu, his wife and two other family members were killed on 3 July 1991 in Boipatong, Vanderbijlpark Transvaal , in an attack on his home by named IFP supporters. Mr Sotsu’s two grandchildren were also injured in the attack. Mr Sotsu was in Durban at the time attending the ANC’s national congress.References
SOTSU, Margaret Lindiwe30Was shot dead on 3 July 1991 in Boipatong, Vanderbijlpark, Tvl, allegedly by a named IFP supporter. Her young brothers died and two other family members were seriously injured in the attack. References
SOTSU, Sabata2Was shot dead on 3 July 1991 in Boipatong, Vanderbijlpark, Tvl, allegedly in an attack led by a named IFP supporter. Two other family members died in the attack and two were seriously injured. References
SOTSU, Vusi Was shot and severely injured on 3 July 1991 in Boipatong, Transvaal , allegedly in an attack led by a named IFP supporter. Vusi’s two-year-old brother and his sister were killed in the attack.References
SOTSU, Vuyani12Was shot and critically injured when a group of named IFP supporters attacked his home in Boiphatong, Vanderbijlpark, Tvl, on 3 July 1991. At the time of this attack there was conflict between IFP and ANC suporters in Tvl. Properties were destroyed and many people were killed and injured. References
SOUCHON, Dominique28An ECC member and UDF activist who was detained during the state of emergency in June 1986 and held for five months in Port Elizabeth, periods of which was spent in solitary confinement. See police brutality. References
SOUL, Setjolo Andries 39Was kicked and tortured, allegedly by members of the Bophuthatswana Police, when he refused to take down posters of Nelson Mandela in Lefetlhong, Mafikeng, Bophuthatswana, in February 1994. The incident occurred during widespread protest and strikes in the area in response to President Mangope’s boycott of South Africa’s first democratic elections and his resistance to the reincorporation of Bophuthatswana into South Africa.References
SOULS, Peter Madoda Alfred20A UDF supporter who was shot dead by a member of the security forces inside his house in Whittlesea, Ciskei, on 18 December 1989. References
SOUT, Xolisile AbramWas severely injured when he was shot on 26 January 1991 in Jouberton, Klerksdorp, Tvl, by members of the ISU during a consumer boycott in the area. References
SOWAZI, Constance Sikelwa41A street committee leader who was severely beaten by members of the SAP, one of whom is named, in Port Elizabeth during the state of emergency in August 1986. See police brutality. References
SOYA, Mthantiso Alfred47A member of Peacemakers vigilante group who was stabbed and stoned to death by youths during a school boycott in Grahams-town, Cape, on 14 May 1980. The perpetrators were charged and convicted. References
SOYA, Seuntjie Msokoli17Was shot and killed by members of the SADF in Despatch, Cape, on 25 July 1985, soon after he had arrived in the area, attempting to escape violence at his previous school. References
SOYAMA, Charbet Mpumelelo21A PAC supporter who lost his home in an arson attack by UDF supporters in Uitenhage, Cape, on 11 February 1990 during political conflict following the release of Nelson Mandela. References
SOYISO, Thembeni 18An ANC supporter who was detained on 25 October 1987 in Burgersdorp, Cape, and tortured in detention by members of the SAP. He was sentenced to death for a ‘necklace’ murder, but was released on appeal on 30 November 1989.References
SPARG, Mark Richard37An ANC supporter who was intimidated and harassed by PAC supporters, and his shop was looted on 1 November 1993 in Cofimvaba, Transkei. He was eventually forced to leave the area. References
SPARGS, Jonathansuffered severe trauma on 23 March 1993 when APLA operatives, armed with automatic weapons and hand grenades, stormed the Yellowwoods hotel, in Fort Beaufort, Cape, and opened fire on staff and patrons. One person was shot dead in the attack. See APLA attacks. Three perpetrators were granted amnesty (AC/2000/225). References
SPARKHAMS, Michael AndriesWas shot and killed by APLA members in an armed attack on the Sentra Hyperserve supermarket in Wesselsbron, OFS, on 3 July 1993. Five people were killed and four were wounded in the attack. See APLA attacks. Six APLA members were granted amnesty (AC/2000/250). References
SPECIWE, NthabisengAn ANC supporter who was severely beaten by members of the A-Team, who attacked mourners at a night vigil in Thabong, Welkom, OFS, on 9 May 1985. A member of the A-Team was killed in the ensuing conflict. References
SPEELMAN, Andiswa 5Was shot in the leg by a named member of the SAP in Hofmeyr, Cape, on 13 November 1985 as she walked past the house of a policeman which ‘comrades’ were attempting to burn down.References
SPIES, Anna Alida Magdelena 46Was severely injured when members of MK’s ‘Dolphin Unit’ detonated an explosive in a car near the Krugersdorp Magistrate’s court and the adjacent police station, Transvaal , on 16 March 1988. Three people were killed and more than 20 were injured in the blast. Two MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/003).References
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