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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter SJ-SZ

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SONDEZI, Maliteke Catherine47An ANC supporter who was injured in Nqutu, KwaZulu, near Vryheid, Natal, on 30 November 1993, when the vehicle in which she was travelling to a funeral veered out of control after being chased by armed IFP supporters. Many ANC supporters in the area were killed after this funeral. References
SONDEZI, Thulani Michael28An ANC supporter who had his home burnt down by Inkatha supporters in Malukazi, KwaZulu, near Umlazi, Durban, on 27 April 1990. References
SONDYAZI, Samson30An ANC supporter who was beaten by IFP supporters on 17 September 1990 in Vosloorus, Tvl. References
SONGELWA, Lionel Mbuyiselo59A UDF supporter who died of an asthma attack while in detention at East London on 5 October 1986. He had been held on charges of terrorism since December 1985. References
SONGO, Dipuo JacobWas shot dead by members of the SAP on 21 November 1985 in Mamelodi, Pretoria, during a protest march against high rent rates. References
SONGO, Sammuel MandlaHe survived an attempt on his life when he was shot and seriously wounded by an MK operative in Tembisa, Tvl, on 26 August 1992, apparently on the instructions of local ANC and SANCO structures. Mr Songo was a schoolteacher who was suspected of working with old community council structures. One MK operative was granted amnesty (AC/2001/135). References
SONI, Dumisani Vincent27An ANC supporter who was shot several times and severely injured by named Inkatha supporters in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, on 11 August 1987. References
SONI, Malolo Cyprian23An ANC supporter who was shot and stabbed to death by Inkatha supporters in KwaMashu, Durban, on 16 October 1989. References
SONI, Sibonisane Lazu14Was shot in the hand when SADF members broke up a march in Umlazi, Durban, in June 1985. References
SONJICA, Sikhumbuzo Macnick28A UDF supporter who was tortured and assaulted by members of the SAP during a rally in Uitenhage, Cape, on 20 April 1988. He was later charged with attempted murder and acquitted. References
SONKWALA, Nkosinathi Eric24Was shot when a member of the Ciskei Police opened fire on a crowd celebrating the release of Nelson Mandela in Whittlesea, Ciskei, on 10 February 1990. References
SONO, David17An ANC supporter who was severely beaten and arrested in Temba, Bophuthatswana, on 9 March 1991, allegedly for selling political T-shirts. References
SONO, Lolo22Was abducted, tortured and allegedly killed by named members of the ANC and the Mandela United Football Club in Soweto, Johannesburg, in October 1988. He was accused of being a police informer. One of the perpetrators applied for amnesty. References
SONO, Petrus26Was arrested and beaten with pick handles in July 1986 in Ga-Rankuwa, Bophuthatswana, by alleged Bophuthatswana policemen. He was taken to the police station where, among other atrocities, he was allegedly made to kiss corpses, clean blood from the wall and sleep naked on the floor. Political unrest in Ga-Rankuwa escalated in 1986 and a state of emergency was declared with soldiers being deployed in the townships. This led to violent confrontations between political activists and the state. References
SONO, Piet 48An ANC supporter who was severely tortured by named members of the SAP after his detention in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 3 May 1990. Police allegedly tried to extract a confession from him. He eventually confessed to one of the charges against him, was convicted and sentenced to ten years’ in prison.References
SONO, RichardWas abducted from Sidlamafa, Transvaal, and tortured at Tonga, Transvaal, during 1987 by SADF members who believed him to be an ANC member. One perpetrator was granted amnesty (AC/2001/277). References
SONO, Solomon35Was assaulted by a named member of the Bophuthatswana Police in Bedwana police station, Temba, Bophuthatswana, on 9 March 1991 as he was selling political T-shirts. References
SONTSHAKA, SamfumfuA PAC member who was convicted on sabotage charges relating to the Poqo attacks in Paarl, Cape, and was imprisoned on Robben Island, Cape Town, in 1962, where he remained for 15 years. He died of various illnesses a month after his release in 1978. References
SONTUNDU, Nena36An ANC supporter who was stabbed and severely injured in her chest and fingers on 13 May 1993 while travelling on a train from Johannesburg to Benrose station, Tvl. See train violence. References
SOPHISEKA, Nomhlophe Catherine22Was severely beaten by members of the SAP in 1960 in Bizana prison, Transkei, during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
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