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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter SJ-SZ

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SOPHISEKA, PhilemonWas shot dead in Randfontein, Tvl, on 6 May 1990 during conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in Kagiso, Tvl. References
SOPHISEKA, Sityasinye LeanardAn iKongo supporter who was repeatedly beaten by a named perpetrator while in detention in Bizana, Transkei, in 1960, during the government crackdown on the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
SOPOTELA, Andile Tennison 25A shopsteward who was burnt to death when his house was petrol-bombed in KwaNobuhle, Uitenhage, Cape, on 19 July 1989 following a dispute between employees and employers at Goodyear Tyres where his brother worked. At the time, there was tension between police and the shopstewards’ council, because the council had demanded the unbanning of the ANC and SACP.References
SOPOTELA, Lincoln Jongilizwe35A union shopsteward who had his home destroyed in a petrol bomb attack at KwaNobuhle, Uitenhage, Cape, on 19 July 1989, following a dispute between employees and employers at Goodyear Tyres where he worked. His brother Andile was burnt to death in the attack. References
SOSIBO, AlbertAn ANC supporter who was shot and beaten to death by IFP supporters in an arson attack on his home near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 10 November 1991. References
SOSIBO, Maxwell Mbhekeni22An MK operative who disappeared during 1987 and has not been heard of since. Mr Sosibo was operating inside South Africa in the Natal area at the time of his disappearance. He is presumed dead. References
SOSIBO, Nhlanhla Ernest25An ANC supporter who was abducted by IFP supporters from Ndaleni, Richmond, Natal, in October 1992. Mr Sosibo was last seen being pursued into the Kapopeletsheni Forest in Richmond. He is presumed dead. References
SOSIBO, Nkosinathi Emmanuel 20An ANC supporter who was shot and stabbed to death by IFP supporters in Nhlazatshe, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, on 10 October 1990. His mother’s house was looted in the attack.References
SOSIBO, Sifiso Enoch22An ANC supporter who was shot and killed on 20 July 1992 while returning from a vigil in L Section, KwaMashu, Durban. Mr Sosibo and his friends, who had recently returned from exile in Lusaka, were singing freedom songs when members of a private security organisation, Combat Force, confronted them and shot and killed Mr Sosibo. References
SOSIBO, Sihli Ronnie20A UDF supporter who was attacked by unidentified persons, allegedly accompanied by the SAP, on 13 November 1989. He suffered multiple injuries, which led to his death on 13 November 1989 in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg. His friend, also a UDF supporter, was killed in the same attack. References
SOSIBO, Sizakele Eropa27An ANC supporter who had her house in KwaDweshula, Port Shepstone, Natal, burnt down by Inkatha supporters on 26 January 1988. References
SOSIBO, Tanana Johannes23Was shot and injured by IFP supporters from KwaMadala hostel in a drive-by shooting in Sebokeng, Tvl, on 6 September 1993. Between January and October 1993, 139 people died in drive-by shootings. References
SOSIBO, Vukani Joseph20An ANC supporter who was shot dead in Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, on 4 January 1989 in intensifying conflict between UDF and Inkatha supporters in the area. References
SOTETSI, VirginiaWas injured when Security Branch members detonated an explosive device at the Why Not Club, Vanderbijl Square, Johannesburg, on 21 September 1988. The club was targeted because it was allegedly frequented by ANC supporters. Four members of the Witwatersrand Security Branch, including the divisional commander and his deputy, and one Vlakplaas operative were granted amnesty for the operation (AC/2001/046). References
SOTHENI, Mlungisi23Was shot in the leg by SAP members at Komga, Cape, in September 1985, because he was suspected of burning schools and state property. He was hospitalised for a month. References
SOTHOANE, Rantsho NathanielWas shot dead by members of the SAP on 31 March 1960 in Bophelong, Vanderbijlpark, Tvl, during a PAC campaign against the Pass Law system. References
SOTIYA, Kaponsie AlfredA UDF supporter who disappeared in the Inkatha stronghold of Lindelani, near KwaMashu, Durban, on 18 December 1989. It is believed that he was killed by Inkatha supporters, as he was visiting his nephews who had been labelled amaqabane . References
SOTONDOSHE, Thiyekile Christian45Was shot dead by IFP supporters on 17 August 1990 in Tokoza, Tvl. Tokoza was tense following clashes between IFP-supporting hostel-dwellers and ANC- supporting residents. References
SOTSHONGANE, Mamlawu Rhoda58An ANC supporter who had her home destroyed by IFP supporters in Chimora, Umlazi, Durban, on 16 January 1992. See Chimora Settlement attacksReferences
SOTSU, Constance40Was shot dead, allegedly by an IFP supporter on 3 July 1991 in Boiphatong, Vanderbijlpark, Tvl. References
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