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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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I don’t think anybody here, the general, myself, likes war. I’ve met very few military people who do. War is horrific and is best avoided, but does this mean that when war cannot be avoided that those who are involved are all equally evil or equally guilty?
... aligned residents. This is followed by a special documentary on the people of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, with a focus on the March 1990 Seven Day War. The episode concludes with Archbishop Desmond Tutu speaking to Max du Preez about truth, reconciliation and the progress of the Truth ...
... on the HRV Committee hearings held in Pietermaritzburg (18 to 21 November) where we hear testimonies from victims of the March 1990 Seven Day War in the greater Edendale Valley, KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, during which nearly 200 people died and 200 000 were left homeless. It also includes ...
... over the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. The Boers disagreed. On 11 October 1899 the South African Republic and the Orange Free State were at war with the British Empire. The Boers were devastated, in spite of a legendary and heroic effort. They suffered their greatest losses in British ...
... for the soldiers who fought on both sides of the apartheid struggle. She specifically referred to the soldiers who fought the white government’s war in neigbouring states. Earlier this year we showed you a programme on the scars left on the soldiers who fought in South Africa’s dirty war in ...
... no idea what it’s about. They have no idea what goes through your head. You have to remember that our parents’ generation did no experience a war. Our grandfathers were in the Second World War. Then our parents missed a war and the next generation was again involved in a war and there ...
... no idea what it’s about. They have no idea what goes through your head. You have to remember that our parents’ generation did not experience a war. Our grandfathers were in the Second World War. Then our parents missed a war and the next generation was again involved in a war and there ...
there is no other word for what happened in the Natal midlands in 1990. 200 people died in the single biggest massacre in our history, the seven day war. Tonight we will tell you what happened and how it happened and we will give you the full drama of the Truth Commission hearings in ...
... is something specially constructed to enable people to mourn, to remember, where they can go. And perhaps the finest example of that is the Vietnam War Dead Monument in Washington. Instead of putting up a big, imposing lump of concrete with all sorts of dazzling features and so on, it’s a very ...
With that sort of background Mdlala and Harrington did not question their biased roles in the seven day war. Mdlala was called to arms on day three when Ashdown and Xaluza were attacked by two impi’s. Mdlala was in the group from Elandskop; IFP InDuna David Ntombela’s stronghold. // It was at ...
took place on Saturday the 15th of February, 1986. After the burial angry youth clashed with heavily armed police. This was the start of the six day war. ...
The six day war expelled the police from Alex. Black policemen were seen as siding with the oppressor, and they were no longer welcome in the community. Comrades and people’s courts took over the keeping of law and order. // But in April the police came back to wreak havoc. //
... in Vietnam. In South Africa it was first called ‘bossies’ after the experiences of mostly white South African soldiers in the bush during the war on our borders. But post traumatic stress disorder is also a condition suffered by many thousands of former soldiers of Umkhonto we Sizwe and ...
There has been this concept rather, that has been created in our people’s mind that the war that we were fighting had rules, the war was pure, and it was a war that was … in the end, there’ll be no loss of life, it would be an easy war. And that concept has destroyed to a large extend the ...
... September, I think it was about October, the 9th of October Dave Ntombela who is very much against the UDF took a group of men and they went over towards that hill there, an area called Zondisto, and they murdered in one of the houses there that night a woman and a child and a young man belonging ...
But it was devastating to the AWB and changed right wing politics very fundamentally. // It’s easy to talk about war and especially for people in the AWB at that time. Every second sentence they said had to do with war and nobody has actually ever seen it. And, when they saw that on television ...
A good policeman at the unit was identified by the amount of hours of hard work he had put in, and definitely you had to be anti-ANC in a very strong manner. // We were shown video tapes and we saw people we were being necklaced by tyres and we saw houses were burnt down and people were killed. We ...
We are proud of what we did. We…. It is unfortunate that people had to die, but it is not something that we are ashamed of, that we did go to war. War is by its very nature evil and if the war has another method to avoid it we would have avoided it.
There’s a difference, is there, between killing people in war and killing people by assassin. // There is Mr. Chairman, there is. // Is that a form of your conservative party logic Mr. Derby-Lewis? // Mr. Chairman, assassination is an act of war, it can occur during a war situation. // Murder is ...
could have made a valuable contribution to the political life of this country or not. // Mister Chairman, no, how can I ever apologise for an act of war? War is war. I haven’t heard the ANC apologizing, the perpetrators of these deeds apologizing for killing people in pubs and blowing them up in ...
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